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Ink's P.O.V
My love for error increases everyday as he makes emotional strides each day and with the help from his brother and toriel he gained confidence as well. I'm proud of error for coming so far in a few months as if a switch was flipped when his parents were locked back up. I knew they kept him in very low spirits and treated him horribly so with them being locked up he felt safe enough to try to improve himself at his own speed instead of being held back with horrible words and treatment. His magic had improved as well as his hp as he was getting the stuff he needed to gain that kind of stuff. Me and him were constantly together and hanging out getting to know each other at our own pace.

I quickly learned he is very shy and socially akward and only showed his full self around people he trusted. Anyone he didn't trust he would avoid and then go to me or his brother and basically hide away. I understood why he did it and i was willing to help when he asked. His ptsd would surface when he heard arguing when in public and often hid or froze in place and when that happened me and his brother stepped in and got him away from it and let him choose where he wanted. He gives warning signs that are noticable to anyone that knew him. If he started showing them it was best to get him away from the situation quick or he crashed.

I hate seeing him so frightened but, unfortunetly some situations can't be avoided and he understood that but, tried going past as quickly as possible. Me and him have managed to get a job at the same place and work for a family groceir as baggers. Its not the most glamourus job but, it works for us just fine the shifts are short but pay decently which helps us get food and stuff for our house and start a 'just in case' jar.

Luckily the shop that hired us is monster/human friendly however only humans that have no problems with monsters are allowed in. To most it would seem harsh but, to keep both groups safe that was a requirement. Most humans still had a hate for monsters but more and more seem to accept them every day. It will never be 100% but, each little bit helps in the monster/human friendship. I've accepted it as have many others but, like humans even monsters won't be 100% either.

Currently Error was working on making food for me and him while also working on his homework. I was picking up the house a bit and usually do my homework afterwards. We had a system in place sense we did work now which was wake up, eat, do our shift at work, go home, get food and house cleaned, work on homework and head to bed around 9-10pm. There was relaxing time mixed in as work, cleaning, dinner, homework then bed was very
lackluster if thats all the week consisted of. On fridays it was usually eat out night with us, error papyrus and toriel and the weekend we did our own thing as we weren't required to work the weekends.

This weekend would be error's choice as me and him take turns deciding where to go and then toriel and error papyrus choose their choices. Each week was a differnt person's choice so it was a fair order. For tonight it was time to get some rest as I and Error work again tomorrow. With that in mind I got in my night clothes on and went to bed after checking on error finding he had already gone to bed so I left him be and layed down myself. Hopefully work goes well tomorrow and with that I went to bed as well after saying good night to error.

Hurting Soul (Ink X Depressed!Error)Where stories live. Discover now