Rough Start

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(past time)

Ink's P.O.V:
It had started out like any other day at school.. little did I know however the day would change everything.

The school day had went by fast and very minimal homework had been assigned. It was during the transition periods however that I had noticed a classmate from the same grade as me who had worn a dark black hoodie with a red accent at the bottom of it. That day he kept taking the long way to classes however I didn't think too much about it at the time but, I should of.

Not even five minutes after the final bell rang I heard punches being thrown in one of the nearby stairways and the next thing I heard hadn't been pretty. The crunch of bone and several people laughing could be heard and when they said things such as "f*cking die you waste of space!" and "Freak town is at the dumpster!" had pissed me off.

I darted down the stairs and helped the person up being cautious of the obviously broken arm. I used my scary look to scare the bullies off him making sure to get a good look at them as they backed off and tried running. However they didn't get too far as the band teacher and the principal had seen them and sent them to detention in the principal's office.

The band teacher followed them to make sure they didn't bolt while the principal helped me get the classmate to the nurse as he had passed out from the pain.

The classmate's name was Error and apparently he had made the basketball team while the ones who attacked him hadn't which pissed them off resulting in the attack in the first place. Needless to say the bullies got suspended for the week and in school detention after they got back and after a visit to the hospital Error had returned with a cast.

(Present Day Error's P.O.V)

Mind: "Why do I have to come back to this school they don't care about me, they enjoy seeing me suffer. The only one that seemed genuinely upset was the kid in the tan shirt and cargo shorts. The principal only acted because he's required to. If he had a choice he would of just left me there to be beaten up longer. Nobody cares for a freak."

I continued to walk and find myself holding back tears and writting in a notebook "Why must I suffer everywhere I go? What did I do wrong to deserve this? If I did leave the school and transfer would anyone care or would they celebrate? Should I go the extreme or would that be too easy? So many questions and no good answers."

I put the notebook away so no prying eyes can see what's in it but, unfortunately for me I ended up smacking into the exact same kid that helped me two days earlier and end up dropping the journal as well as my pencil. The kid asked if I was ok and I accidently spoke not to kindly and responded with "I'm fine!" then ran off unknowingly leaving behind my pencil and my school id card right near him.

Ink's P.O.V.
I didn't get a chance to say sorry and im sure I pissed him off but, the weird thing is that his voice sounded angry and filled with sadness as well. I hope I can find him later but, for the time being I looked around to see if anything was left behind and spotted his school id and his pencil which he must of dropped when we collided. I should probably take it to the office but, if I do I would be late for class. I see him again next period so I will give it back then. With that I put his stuff safely in my notebook's built in pouch to keep it safe and headed to class.

Hurting Soul (Ink X Depressed!Error)Where stories live. Discover now