ink's mental fight

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Ink's P.O.V

I had been running for about a hour after the fact I had beat error out of anger. I wouldn't be able to face him for several days out of guilt and like a coward I wanted to run from my actions but, I can't. He trusted me and I messed that up. I need to find him! He still has suicidal thoughts on occasion and this may of sent him over the edge. I really messed up and may be too late to amend it. Please Error give me some sign your ok.

As if I was heard it started to rain which made me more worried as Error wasn't wearing a jacket and had open injuries which were two things that could get him sick. On top of that my mind reminded me he wasn't in the best of health or mind and the bullies who I saw at the restraunt could be tracking him to finish the job they started. With that thought I picked up the pace and ended up slipping on the pavement. I scratched my leg but, simply used some quick healing and continued.

About twenty minutes later I heard laughter and a whimpering voice knowing it was error but it sounded like he was being dragged and I got pissed. I ran around the corner and what I saw would of made me throw up if it wasn't for me being a skeleton monster. In the alley were the bullies and Error who was being held up by his arms in ropes attached to the railings of the fire escape stairs of the buildings and then I saw a glint of Error's blood on the belt that was held by the tallest bully. Seeing that made me snap and I punched the bullies knocking them out and carefully lowered Error down. He fell unconscious shortly after on my back. That scared me but, I had to get him help and decided to get him to the hospital. I called Toriel as Error's brother was at work while speed walking to the hospital.

*toriel over the phone*

"Ink where are you its way past curfew and is error with you?"

ink answers: "He is with me however he got injured. I'm on my way to the hospital. He's in bad shape Toriel and I'm worried"...

Over the phone Toriel freaks out saying she was on her way and asked for the location we were at and  I answered.

ink's response: We're by the gas station about four blocks from the hospital" please pick us up Error is shivering and getting a fever"

*Toriel replied with concern while she got in her car* "I will be there soon just keep on the phone and watch over Error. I will be there as soon as possible"

Over the phone a car is heard while the phone was mounted on a hands free stand and the sound of Toriel driving. Within minutes she was there and Ink enters the car with Error in his lap and then they were taken to the hospital. The staff took Error from me gently and went to get him patched up for what seems like only a day ago even though its been longer. In the background I was berating myself and was planning to punish the bullies even more if Error passed from his injuries. Those bullies would regret messing with my boyfriend and think twice before hurting anyone else. Im tired of us being pushovers and targets. Error doesn't deserve this at all after his sucky upbringing and I want to make it up to him showing people do care about him. He deserves to be happy and loved by family and friends that actually care about him and not treated like some kind of leftovers or scraps.

He deserved better then me as I failed to protect him once again however instead of giving up I will try improving myself so he no longer has to go through this. I will be there for him in any possible way I can. I will protect my ruru.

Hurting Soul (Ink X Depressed!Error)Where stories live. Discover now