Dream Entity

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Error's P.O.V

I shot awake and looked around. That dream felt far to real that even in the real world things felt out of place. Im literally shivering and it didn't take long before I relized Ink had saw me shaking as he came over and had pulled me onto his lap and wrapped a blanket around me before asking if I was ok. I shook my head no as I knew hiding whatever that nightmare was implying would drive me nuts and would pull me into paranoia if I lingered on it.

I gave Ink the rundown on what the dream was about but, chose to keep some details out of the explanation namely the dragon as I feared ink would think I was unstable as dragons were not a thing anymore except the smaller household pet the bearded dragon and the magic attack turned solid, the gaster blasters. As I continued my story Ink had hugged me close and rubbed between my shoulders to try calming me down which actually felt nice as I layed on his shoulder listening to his soul beating steadily. As we cuddled we both were lightly blushing as the relationship between us was still fairly new and appreciated that Ink wasn't rushing into making it too obvious to everyone we knew.

I am becoming more confident but, old habits die hard and I was still weary of our relationship becoming dangerous as trouble always seems to follow me around and the dream didn't help. The dragon could symbolize something dangerous was coming and I knew plenty of dangerous people that would try hurting us. My parents, their friends and those bullies at mine and ink's old school for example and The dragon could be symbolizing them or a combination of all of them.

I had to tell Ink about the dragon soon but, for right now I shouldn't scare him or anyone else as things were going better. I'm just hoping because of my waiting things don't come crashing down suddenly because of my waiting. I don't think my brother, toriel or Ink can handle this news right now and I don't want to seem insane. Why must this happen now when things are improving. Every time I get into a routine another threat comes up just leave me alone bad omens let me enjoy happiness finally.

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