Cake Mess

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(A/N: will refer to error Papyrus as E!papyrus)

Ink's P.O.V

Seeing error break down in angry tears was hard to handle I can't imagine just what he is thinking but, judging by the tightly balled up blanket that was somehow as hard as a rock now with how tight it was Error's mind is likely reminding him of his past and making him translate that into anger. Error's brother and me hug him close and he sobs into our shoulders. Error currently seems like a tormented child despite his age and kept us close for about ten minutes before he fell asleep in our arms. Me and E!papyrus didn't dare to move to lay him back on the bed till he was in a slightly deeper sleep so his back wouldn't be kept in his current position for longer then needed.

Error was still injured pretty badly and needs the rest to recover but, knowing Error he likely wouldn't rest as long as he should because he hated being in a area for too long if he could help it and his impulse behavior is triggered by memories or certain items meaning the abuse he endured was long going. If Anyone messed with Error again I will personally make them regret it. Mr. nice guy is not going to make a appearance if anyone hurts Error.

He deserved better, my life was nowhere near as bad as his has been. What did he do to deserve it!? As far as I know he didn't do anything that would warrant the torture he's endured. Because of it Error's mental health is badly damaged and will require a long time to recover but, it will never be one hundred percent and I know everyone that cares for him has come to that conclusion too. Error has come a long way and I'm proud of him as it continues to hopefully recover after the attack. Hopefully as we date I can help him recover as well and we can eventually make a new happier life for him to enjoy.

I'm not going to rush him but, I was hoping after he recovered enough to leave the hospital. Me and him could try having a picnic together and hopefully Error will open up more over time. He has so many things he wants to tell me but, seems to freeze up and go to a different topic completely bypassing what he really wants to say. I hope he knows he can tell me anything he has on his mind if needed instead of keeping it inside longer, its hurting him mentally and eventually it will be too much. He is an amazing person and I want to know him better. Maybe if I say a bit on myself he would open up? I'm hoping so but for now Error needs support and me and his brother will do what we can to help.

timeskip: three days later

3rd person P.O.V

Error was given the go ahead to come back home but, was instructed to rest and only allowed light activity and to take breaks when needed. As most would guess Error was annoyed and sulky about that but agreed. The minute he entered the front door he went to greet the dogs who were happy to see him then went to his room to rest in his own bed. While he rested Ink and E!papyrus made Error's favorite dessert for when he woke up which was chocolate cake. While he was in the hospital that was the one thing he kept asking for but, the staff didn't allow it to be safe and now he could have it as the hospital gave the go ahead. Ink and E!Papyrus went the safe route and got the boxed kind as neither was great at baking and didn't wish to somehow make Error get food poisoning.

The entire house smelled of chocolate within minutes as the two followed the instructions word for work making sure everything was perfect although the kitchen was a bit messy as some chocolate mix got on the table from stirring a bit too fast but, was cleaned after the cake was put into the oven to avoid contamination. Twenty minutes went by before the tell tale sign of movement was heard from Error's room and a groggy Error stumbled out of his room with his crutch for stability and plopped on the couch carefully as he was still not fully awake. E!papyrus checked on Error seeing he had fallen back asleep on the couch and covered him up in a blanket and returns to the kitchen to check on the cake.

Ink and E!papyrus talked quietly as to not wake Error up but, then the timer went off and a crash in the other room was heard. Both ran to the living room and saw Error had gotten tangled in the blanket. Ink calmed Error while Error's brother got him loose from the blanket and gave him time to recover and recognize where he was. After a bit Error was ok but, shaken up from being stuck in the blanket and acted kind of like a cat and tossed it away from him.

E!papyrus reassured error he was ok and held him carefully allowing him to get out of the hold if needed and let him calm down before bringing up their was a treat for him waiting in the kitchen. Error seemed to instantly get curious and goes to get up and stumbled as his magic gave him what he has heard others call "sleeping foot". Because of that he was carried to the kitchen to see his surprise and instantly started getting excited and tried getting out of his brother's hold. E!papyrus laughed quietly and put him down in a chair and got him a big slice of cake. Ink joined after a bit and smiled happily seeing his boyfriend happy and not trapped in his own thoughts for once. As everyone ate there was a nice quiet between them as they were in each other's company and their night was complete with games and a moive before they all went to bed hoping the next day will be better.

Hurting Soul (Ink X Depressed!Error)Where stories live. Discover now