Help From A Friend

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Error's P.O.V

After we saved those dogs we went to talk to my brother to make sure pets were allowed but, as we got closer to his place something felt very wrong. Ink was being far too quiet but, when I looked back I had froze in place and instantly became panicked. Right behind me were the two people I feared most and they were pissed. I checked to make sure they were not armed with anything and then felt a rarely used ability of mine take effect  which was basically a very fast run that got me behind them in seconds and I quickly hit the spot that knocked them out with ease that I had learned in my self defense class and got Ink from them who was passed out. Soon after emergency vehicles arrived and took my parents away once again and a goat monster came forward and took Ink from me which made me feel like a chunk had been taken from my soul but what confused me was that she showed no judgment and ushered me to follow her but, as soon as I took a few steps my entire body seemed to not want to respond and I ended up passing out.

When I awoke I was in a cozy room with very nice wood etchings on the ground borders next to me and the same ones went up the walls. The second thing I registered was Ink on a bed a few feet away from my own just fidgeting with what looked like a protractor you would use for math and the third thing I relized was the same goat person that seemed to treat Ink like her son and Ink himself seemed happy to see whoever this was again. Did Ink know this person personally or had something to say to each other? When they relized I was up Ink hugged me tightly and was shaking badly as I felt his tears fall on me.

What the heck happened while I was out? I remember saving Ink from my parents and blacking out but, why I blacked out i'm not sure. Maybe I overdid it with the ability but, it saved Ink so I can't get too upset. I will do everything I can to save Ink or my brother even if it means my life becomes forfeit. I loved my brother but, I loved ink as if he were my other half. I knew I was for the male team early on but, do to my situation if I were to of admitted it I would of been brutally beaten and then left to die and likely covered in the release of all my disgusting male 'family' members. All of my family besides my older brother had it out for me and the recent interaction hit that nerve once again. Why must my family keep making me suffer its more annoying then devastating now as things had gotten better away from them.

I brought my arms up around Ink to return the hug as he was still crying and I had tears start falling soon after. I hate seeing Ink so upset and I nuzzled into his shoulder trying to reassure him that I was ok. Doing so caused Ink to shiver slightly which made me back off thinking I did something wrong only for him to pull me back and gave me a gentle kiss on my cheek. This of course caused me to blush which made Ink smile and cheer up and then we went in for another kiss. It went on for a bit till we had to separate as toriel was coming back and we weren't quite ready to reveal our relationship and I was afraid I would be judged by her as well.

I really hate being so paranoid and knew I needed to work on that or me as ink's possible significant other would cause several emotional barriers to be broken before my true self could be reached which could take years to be revealed and I don't wish that on Ink. He's better than me in many ways and deserves the perfect person if fate wishes us to be together I have a feeling it will send a sign that we're meant to be together if it hasn't already. The hospital event, the dog incident and then the incident with my parents breaking out of jail. I don't know why Ink still cares about me despite him being nearly killed twice but, maybe that's a sign he is my missing half and if so I don't want to lose him. please don't let me lose him.

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