Chapter seven-LA look

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Christine's pov
Today I was leaving. My plane didn't leave until noon so I slept in until 9:00. I got up, showered, put on black leggings and a green t-shirt. I went downstairs into my empty kitchen. I almost expected to find a note from my dad on the table, but there was none. I made myself a bagel and grabbed a donut from the fridge and sat on the couch. We have a tv I just never used it, but today I figured if I'm going to be on a TV show I might as well get the feel for it. I went on Netflix and started watching some episodes of Henry danger. Some of it was funny. By the time I had finished I was done my breakfast so I went upstairs and finished packing. It was 11:30 when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see jace standing there. "Ready for awesome?" He said. "Or I could just get on a plane with you!" I said sarcastically and laughed. He rolled his eyes and I invited him in. "Whoa. Nice house." He said. "Thanks." "So what's going to happen to it? You know, after your gone?" He asked. "Like dead gone or moved out gone?" I said. "Moved out gone." "Well I guess the bank will take it and sell it. I still can't believe all this is happening. It's like it's the best and worst thing to ever happen to me. Is that even possible?" I said. "Yep but let's not think about now. Now is for last minute packing and moving only." We started grabbing bags and hauling them to the car. When we were finished we almost left. "Wait! I'll be right back!" I ran inside and upstairs to my dads room. I grabbed the picture frame of me and my mom and dad in it. I had decorated the frame myself when I was little. I wanted to move on but I don't want to forget. I was starting to wonder if this was a good idea at all. Leaving my house, my dead parents, everything I have ever known, just to go be some actress. I removed the picture from the frame but as I did an envelope fell out. I picked it up. It had a date on it. "April 4, 2001." My birthday. On the outside was a handwritten note. "Michael, give this to Christine when she's ready. In case I'm not around to give it to her myself." I took out a piece of paper from the envelope and read it.
Dear Christine, my baby girl. If your reading this, your probably much older now and I'm probably not there. But I want you to know that when you were born today, you have me the happiest moment of my life. If I die tomorrow I will be happy because at least I had you. Just looking into your eyes now I can see what greatness you were meant for. I hope that I will get to sing you to sleep every night. I hope that I will get to watch you grow up, fall in love, be happy, be sad. I hope that I am always there for you, even if you don't always know it. I promise that I will protect you. I promise that I will love you and if your ever in trouble I will save you. Words don't even describe how much I love you already. If I'm not there to tell you in person I want you to know this. I wish that I had done better. What I want for you is to go out into the world, go see and feel everything, learn as much as you can about life before you come home. And when you do come home, come with an adventure and a story to tell. Don't get stuck here like me. You have the chance for greatness, now take that chance and do what your destiny has written for you. If haven't or don't tell you enough, I love you with all my heart, I hope you will love me too. I will protect you, I would die for you.
End of letter
"And I guess you did." I said out loud. "Did what?" I jumped. Jace was standing at the door. "What? Nothing!" I said startled. "Hey are you okay? Why are you crying?" I suddenly realized I was crying and I quickly wiped the tears and put on a happy face. "I'm fine. Let's go!" I put back the letter and took the picture. We hopped in the car and got on a plane. I was sure now. I have to go and do this. I will make my mother proud. While we were on the plane jace was sitting next to me. I decided to say something. "Hey jace?" "Yeah?" "Look I just wanted to ask if we could start over. I want to be friends." I said. "I thought we were already friends." He said. "No. I want to be friends the normal way. I barley met you before everything went crazy and I just kinda want to forget everything and start over. I want to get to know you the normal way." I said, realizing how stupid I sound. "You know what? Sure. I would like that. From now on we have just met in this plane." He said. "In that case, I'm Christine. Christine valentine." I said and held out my hand. Jace shook it. "And I'm jace. Jace Norman." We laughed and talked until I fell asleep. When I woke up jace was shaking my arm. "Wake up were landing." He said. "Yeah? Well let me sleep. They can put me on the baggage cart and wheel me inside." I said and he laughed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Ow! Geez! Strong grip much?" I said. We got off the plane and got our bags and got in a car. "So are we going to your house?" I asked Jace. "We will. As soon as we go to the mall." He said. "What? Why?" I asked. "Well it's just that your clothes don't exactly blend." He said. "What? What's wrong with my clothes?" I said defensively. "Nothing! It's just that you don't really have that LA look." "Meaning?" "Well come on. You can't wear t-shirts the rest of your life. You only get so many first impressions on people and those impressions are going to start to count." He said. "Okay I see your point." I said. We went to the mall and I got dragged through a bunch of stores by Jaces mom. "Oh come on. Come out!" Jace called. "No! I look ridiculous!" I called from the dressing room. "You won't look ridiculous and if you dot come out I'm coming in!" I said. "Oh fine! But I warn you your going to laugh!" I stepped out of the dressing wearing black shorts and a green shirt with white polkadots. Everyone stopped and stared. "Alright. Laugh it up!" I said. "Why? You look amazing! I mean, in a friendly kind of way!" Jace turned the shade of a fire truck when he said this. "Oh thanks." I said. I tried to sound like I didn't notice the awkwardness but I turned red too. We finally finished shopping and I looked like a different person! "I look so different!" I soda as we left. "Now you officially have the LA look!" Jace said. Then we left for the house. The place where my life would start again.

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