Chapter 36- im sorry but goodbye

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Oh my gosh thank you guys SO much for 10k reads! I never thought anyone would read this and all of my stories so thank you! Keep voting and reading! Here's a chapter! Love ya'll! 😘💜

Christine's pov
When I woke up this morning I was afraid to open my eyes. Afraid to face the reality that today I was leaving. But jace was right, I don't belong here, and now it's time to move on. It's time go where I belong and maybe then I won't hurt people. I dragged myself out of bed. It was 6:00 and I had to be at the airport by 7:30 because my plane left at 8:00. I showered and got dressed in comfortable clothes for travel. Then I checked my room one last time even though I knew I wasn't forgetting anything. Then I went to Jaces room. I quietly tiptoed in. Jace was still fast asleep. I set down an envelope beside his bed. I kissed his forehead. "Goodbye jace. I love you." I whispered. Then I tiptoed out and quietly shut the door. That is the last time I will ever see him. That hurt like hell. I was never very good at goodbyes. Not even a whispered one. I went upstairs and grabbed the last suitcase. I noticed one picture frame with jace and I in it. I promised myself that I wouldn't bring anything to remind me of jace, but this was my favorite picture of us. I grabbed the frame and put it in my suitcase. Then I walked out and closed the door. I went downstairs. I skipped breakfast. Soon everything was packed and it was time to leave. I got in the passenger seat of the car. I stared at the house. "Are you sure you don't want to say goodbye to jace?" Mrs. Norman asked. "I don't think he wants to hear from me. Besides, soon he'll know everything and all my reasons." Mrs. Norman gave me a look of confusion, but knowing that it was all I had to say she started the car and we slowly pulled away. I couldn't take my eyes off the house the whole time. This was what's best. At least, it's what's best for jace. As for me, I have yet to find out. We got to the airport and mrs. Norman helped me get all my bags to the luggage area, where it was loaded. Then it was time for us to say goodbye. It wasn't until then did I realize everything mrs. Norman has done for me. "Well, I guess this is goodbye." Se said. "Thank you. For everything. I don't know how I can repay you." I said. She gave me a hug. "You can come and visit. I mean it, whenever your back in town come stay with us. Jace is going to miss you and so will I." I wanted to cry. I would miss everything. I don't belong here, but that was about as close to home as I ever have been. "You watch out for yourself." She said after pulling away. "I will. You too." "I will. Now you don't want to miss your flight." I nodded and walked toward my gate. I handed the flight attendant my ticket and walked to the door. With one last look back at mrs. Norman and everything I knew, I walked into the hall. I found my seat on the plane and sat down. As the plane pulled away I looked at all the trees and things that I would miss. I said goodbye to everyone in my head. Goodbye la, hello Miami. And hello new life.

Jaces pov a few hours later
When I woke up I remembered Christine. She was leaving today. I shouldn't care, I was still a little angry. But I didn't really want her to leave. I didn't want to open my eyes. I didn't want to think about everything that's happened. I rolled over to look at the clock next to my bed. Instead I found an envelope. I opened it. It was from Christine. I considered not reason it, but I had to. I took out the paper. It was handwritten in her writing.

Dear jace, first, before I say anything, I have to say in sorry. Sorry about everything I said and did that ever hurt you. But most of all I'm sorry I left. But I had a reason for everything. Let me tell you a story. Once soon a time, there was a happy family, with a mom, a dad, and a little girl. Life was great. The little girl couldn't be any happier. She loved her mom very much. Her dad was a big shot lawyer and she never spent much time with him. So the girl spent all her free time at the dark mountain café with her mom who was a waitress. It didn't pay much, but that's what she loved. It was how they bonded. The little girl liked helping. She wanted for nothing. Until she lost everything. One afternoon the little girl was too afraid to go on stage for her dance recital, so her mom took her home. Then the fire started. No one knows how, but either way, that day she lost her mom. After that she was lost. She didn't know how to deal with the pain. Until she was twelve and got a job as a waitress. She told people a million different reasons why she loved it, but most of all, she felt closer to her mom. She had to take care of herself for seven years. Then all of a sudden, a cute blond boy comes in and wants to take her to la. At first she didn't think it was real. She wasn't sure she wanted it to be. She didn't want to leave her mom. But she also knew this was her chance to do something great. She only thought about herself. So when her dad didn't want her to leave, she never thought it was because he didn't want to lose her. She regretted the fight they had and everything she said forever after that day. So after she lost her whole family she did the only thing she could do. She got on a plane and left for la. The only thing she had going for her was that cute blond boy. She went to her first day of set. She almost died. But the boy saved her. She soon realized that she liked him. But she never thought he would like her too. They were confused an they took wrong turns. But eventually they ended up together. He made her laugh and smile. And she realized that she loved him. But then she was stupid and let other people's words bother her. She thought she was completely alone. She was consumed by a darkness that almost took her away forever. But once again the blond boy saved her. She didn't see it at the time but he did. She had to get help so she went to a rehab to get that help. She met some great friends. She messed up there too. She hurt her new friend and cheated on her boyfriend. These mistakes ate her up inside for a long time. Even though she made things right with her friend and boyfriend, she knew deep inside that she would never forgive herself for being so selfish. But the minute she tried to go back to her old life things were a kinds of crazy. She found out about her aunts in Florida. She never thought that she would even consider going, but the idea of an escape from all the craziness seemed nice. Then her manager tried to change her and everything she believed in. Because of this she broke another promise and her friend ended up dead. Another death she couldn't help but blame her soled for and everyone blamed her too. Except that blond boy who was there for her. She soon realized who she was and embraced that part of her though. All thanks to him. She finally felt home, but o course that didn't last long. Soon she was bombarded with movie offers and all sorts of stressful things. She was overwhelmed and didn't think she could handle it. And when the blond boy asked she was afraid to tell him. She had been having dreams about losing him, hurting him. She didn't want to worry him so she refused to speak her mind. It didn't matter though. She lost him anyways. It wasn't until then did she realize that she didn't belong there. It wasn't home. So she thought about the escape. She did it. She couldn't tell her boyfriend though. She couldn't bring herself to explain everything. Explain that she still blamed herself for everything. Explain that she was terrified of losing him. Explain how if she lost him she would only blame herself. So she left. It was the only way she saw. And now she just hopes that he'll understand and she'll move on with her life. If you haven't guessed that girl is me. Jace you were the only one who truly cared about me for a long time. You made me happy when I was sad. You almost never let me down. You saved me in every way possible for me to be saved. I will always love you for that, and I'm so grateful that fate gave you to me. But I was to scared that it was a trick. Because everyone I get close to gets hurt. I'm sorry but I had to go. Maybe in Florida I will have a chance at a fresh start. Maybe I could be normal. I want you to keep caramel. I think she would like it better with you. Also you should keep the locket. It would only remind me of you. I don't want you to follow me. You can't. You don't know where I'm going and I'm probably long gone by now. I only ask that you forgive me. For leaving you. For leading you on. For being in your life. I'm sorry, but goodbye Jace Norman. I always have, and always will love you.

I reached inside the envelope and pulled out the locket with the picture in it. I opened it and matched it with mine. Then I ran downstairs. Mom was making breakfast. "Where's Christine?" I nearly shouted. "Good morning jace. Would you like some fruit salad?" She asked calmly. "No! Mom where's Christine?!" I got impatient. She set down what she was doing. She came over and put her hands on my shoulders. "Sweetie, I dropped her off at the airport a few hours ago. She's long gone." I wanted to explode anger and sadness. "Gone?! Why didn't you tell me?! Why didn't she say goodbye?" I asked. "She couldn't face you. Saying goodbye was too painful." Even as she said that I knew that Christine had said goodbye. She said goodbye as well as explained everything she couldn't explain in person. But I wasn't ready to let her go. If I had just been able to see her one last time I would have told her that she is my everything. I would have told her that I didn't want her to leave. I would have convinced her to stay. Now I'll never see her again. Missing someone is your hearts way of reminding you that you still love them. If that is true, then I love her more than ever. And I never got the chance to tell her that.

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