Extra work

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The boy'sPOV :

I woke up in the morning and I was feeling a lot better . I was feeling thankful to Y/N for giving me those meds & food . Moreover doing the assignment .

I was standing in front of my favorite cafe . They make the best strawberry milkshake which are my favorite ( another hint ) . Today I thought buying 2 . One for Y/N as a thank you gift .

I went to uni with two cups of milkshake . But I couldn't find her . After some time Jimin came . He looked kinda sad . I put the cup on my backpack . Actually this time I bought the portable milkshake cups which are sealed so that I don't spill it on anyone else 😅 .

" Hey Jiminie . What's wrong ? "

" Um.. nothing . Just tired . "

" Oh . "

Then we started talking & I totally forgot about Y/N .

After a while the class started . But I started to feel dizzy again .
" What the hell is wrong with me ?! "

" Are you ok ? " Jimin asked .

" Yeah , I'm fine . " I said with a smile . I didn't wanted to make him worried .

Then the teacher told us to submit our assignment . I looked through the class but couldn't find Y/N . Is she absent today ?! Is she sick or something ?

Wait why am I thinking about that when I'm gonna have a punishment because of her ! But this isn't like she willingly didn't come maybe she's sick .

I went to the teacher & told her that my partner is absent & probably sick . As expected , she gave me extra work & told me to do with my partner .

I came back to my seat & saw Jimin wasn't there . He was sitting with Yeri ! Well nice . Looks like that flirt has get back to his work .

I sighed at the amount of work . I have to find Y/N . There's no way I can do this shit alone . 
As I was thinking , the bell rung signaling the class was over . Jimin came towards me & asked if really I was ok or not cz he said my face looked pale . I told him that the amount of work made me like this & told him to not to worry . He then said that if I don't mind he wanted to walk Yeri home so I told him to go & went out of the class after biding him Good bye .

I wasn't feeling well but I had to do the work . I didn't have Y/N's number or address . " Tomorrow is weekend so I'll try to figure out about her . " Thinking this I went home , took a shower & sit to do the work . I wasn't feeling hungry though I haven't eaten anything except the Strawberry milkshake .

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