The Cruel , Self centered & Emotionless Girl

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Warning : Long ass chapter ahead. It's gonna be the longest chapter of this story. Enjoy & plz vote 🥺.

You're POV :

As I walked out of my apartment , I was welcomed by the early winter breeze. It  was already dark outside. I checked my phone & it showed 8:35 pm . I pulled my hood on just like before & started walking towards the woods.

I liked walking at late evenings or nights . It has something that relaxes my mind & helps me to think .

Should I move on? Should I let go of the past ? But that'll mean letting go of Jungkook too right ? I don't want to forget about him or replace him . But I also want to overcome this guilty feeling. What to do ?

I kept thinking as my feet brought me to the woods. I looked around & witnessed the as usual calm atmosphere. The only sounds heard here were from little insects or the wind brushing by the trees . As I reached my usual spot my steps haulted .

Someone was sitting on the big rock . His body was leaned on the tree beside. It didn't take me a second to know who it was . But the question is what was he doing here & at this hour ? As I got near with slow steps making sure not to create any sound , I noticed Taehyung was still in his morning out fit . Which means he didn't go home all day !

" Taehyung " I called with a low voice but he didn't bubge . I frowned & went beside him only to find him sleeping while hugging his body. Of course he was cold . He was only wearing a denim shirt with black jeans. His face looked pale , hair messy . He looked tired yet angelic . I sighed & gently shook him by his arms. He needs to go home & rest . Did he even eat something ? This guy !

" Taehyung ! hey ,  wake up . " I shook him a bit & he stirred a bit . Then opened his eyes slowly. He frowned looking at his surroundings. I sat beside him keeping a little distance.

" Agh.." a low groan left his mouth as he straightened himself. " Y/ N ? " He asked when his eyes landed on me .

" Hi , why are you sleeping here ? " I asked as he rubbed his eyes .

" Ugh ... I might have dozed off while sitting here.  What are you doing here ? Isn't it late ? " He asked. 

" Just came to relax my mind. " I said with a small smile. Even with his messy self , he looked cute .

It's funny how we faught few hours ago & now sitting beside each other so calmly.
I thought he would either stand up saying it's late & we should head home to avoid me due to our little fight or lecture me about not roaming around late like he usually does but neither happened. We both stayed silent & it was becoming kinda awkward. Maybe it was our fight that was preventing us from talking like we used to do or our friendship that was preventing us from walking away or avoid each other.

" Sorry" his voiced out breaking the awkward silence between us.

" Huh ?" I looked at him a little shoked & saw him sitting with his head hung low. He slowly looked up & I could see sadness & a bit of guilt in his eyes. He cleared his voice & said,

" Sorry for acting like an asshole today . And .... " He trailed of biting his lips. Then said, " and also sorry for lying. "

Lying ? I questioned myself. When did he lied & about what ? I looked at him & he looked uneasy. Unlike other times when he would say sorry for something & stare at me with hopefull eyes , he wasn't even looking at me . His eyes went everywhere but me .

" Taehyung , what's wrong ? You're okay right ? " I asked , concern lacing my words.

" I ... Don't have any girlfriend. I lied about it. " he said still not looking at me. For some reason , his words made me feel relieved ! But then again , why did he lie to me ? And why isn't he looking at me ? It's not of a big mistake but he's acting as if he has murdered someone !

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