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Your POV :

You waited for him to freshen up & soon he arrived with a box in his hand .

" Here have some doughnuts . Then we'll start . " He said as he sate down beside me.  I shifted a bit & said , " um , Thanks but I'm not hungry . " 

" But I am . And I'll be glad if you join me . Please ? " He asked taking out a donut while making a pleading face which was actually cute . But I can't fall for that .

" I'm here to finish the assignment so will you please stop fooling around & start working ? " I asked with an annoyed tone .

I could tell He was shocked by my sudden rudeness . He went silent & just stared at me . After a few seconds he nodded as yes & put the doughnut back & put the box a side closing it . He took the papers & handed me some . Then started writing without saying a single word .

I took out my book & also started writing . Both were silent & kept working as I wanted before . But somewhere in my mind , I felt bad for him . He was sick & maybe hungry . Moreover he was just being nice to me & I acted like a nut . But I didn't said anything .

After writing for almost half an hour , the situation was still same.  No sound except papers shuffling . But the silence was broke by a sound which I am sure came from his stomach . He was hungry . I looked at him but he didn't said anything & just  Kept writing .

He was clearly mad but I don't know why a chuckle left my mouth . Actually I found his act was kinda funny & cute . This time he looked at me .

I stood up & went towards the box of doughnuts . I came back to where I was sitting & took his papers from him . He just stared at me without saying anything.  I kept all our papers aside & said ,
" eat before the rats in your stomach become tired of jumping & asking for food & die !! "

I myself don't know what & why I blurted out ! I felt kinda silly after saying that .

But suddenly he started laughing . Ok , is this guy crazy ? Or did I said something this much crazy ?
I stared at him with a questioning look while he just laughed . .

" Did I said something this funny ?! " I kinda asked myself but he heard . His laughing decreased a bit .

" Kinda . " He said still grinning & took the box from my hand .

I thought this time he'll just eat all by himself because of my previous outburst .
So I took my book & started finding a answer which I couldn't find before .

I was looking at the book & reading the text when a chocolate donut came in front of my vision !

" The donut is more beautiful than the text written in the book . " He said still grinning . Actually he was holding it in front of my face .

" Huh ? "

" I don't like to eat alone.  Will you join ? " He asked as if nothing happened before .

" Um bu- " before I could say anything he quickly said ,

" Sorry if you're not hungry . I'll eat alone but I really don't like eating when my partner isn't . "

I chuckled and said , " I was saying , I'll join you but in one condition . "

His face lighten up a bit . " What condition ? No prob I'll write the rest if it's the condition . "

I face palmed myself . This guy is really something . Why is he so much eager to feed me ?!

I took out the strawberry milkshake from my bag & gave it to him .

" The condition id you've to take it . " I said grinning .

His eyes widened . " Omg ! Thank you . " He almost yelled took it .

I smiled & took the chocolate doughnut .

Again there was silent . We just ate our food . It was kinda getting awkward so I broke it after finishing my donut .

" Sorry . "

He looked at me kinda shocked & asked why .

" For um ... Acting like a nut that time . "

" When I asked you to eat the first time ? "

I just nodded .

He took a sip from his drink & said , " um ... You don't have to be . I mean it was kinda rude but it's ok . " he shrugged .

" Um ...u live here alone ? " I asked .

" Yeah.  " He replied a bit sad . Then added ,

You'll know in the next part .... 😉

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