The Letter

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You took it from Jimin but didn't open it .

" I think you should check it . "

" I don't know , Jim. It , it'll make me more guilty for what I've done . "

" Y/n , I agree that was a mistake . But it was because you were hurt that time . But if you don't open it , don't you think It'll be another mistake ? Now you are feeling guilty about one , if u don't check it , there'll be another . I think you should check it . Don't forget it was his last wish . "

" Ok . "

Then she opened the envelope . There was a letter .

She unfolded it and started reading .

The Letter...

Hey Y/N ,
I hope you're just like I left you . I know you are mad at me and you should be cause I've hurt you . I'm really sorry , babe . But I didn't have any other choice . I wanted to tell you about my disease from the day I came to know about it but couldn't . When I came to know about it , It was too late , I had only one month left . At that time our exams were going on . If I had told you about my condition , you wouldn't concentrate on your studies . But you know how important that was for your future career , right ? I want you to do well in future & fulfill your dreams . Moreover I couldn't see you upset because of me .  You know  what I hated most ? your tears . You know what I feared most ? Losing you . You know what I never wanted to do ? to Hurt you . But I had to . I'm so sorry for hurting you , for leaving you , for being the reason of your tears . You don't know how it felt when I came to know that I'll lose you .  I wanted to spend my last days with you happily . I always wanted to see you happy so please always be happy & cheerful . Remember I'm watching you from somewhere . Don't cry or be sad . Be strong .  Don't change yourself . Promise me you won't cry anymore after reading this letter. Don't forget about me . Remember me just as a guest who came to visit your heart only for a few days . Find someone who'll live in your heart permanently . Who'll never leave your heart even if you try to shoo him . Cz I know you won't give your heart to anyone easily . But there is one person who deserves it . One day you'll find him just like you found me .
I can't make you happy anymore ,Y/n . But I know there is someone who can . Find him . I was your boyfriend but not your soulmate . Find your soulmate , Y/N . He'll love you more than me . He'll protect u & never leave you . He'll understand you & make you happy again .

It's my last wish Y/n . Fulfill it by finding your soulmate & loving him .

And I'm returning your heart so that you can give it to the person who deserves it .

Jeon Jungkook .


I'm sorry , I suck in writing these kind of things 😢😥 . The letter should have been more touchy . It's a last letter from a boy to her beloved girl after all .

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