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His hand over my shoulder tighten slowly embracing me in to a warm hug . One part of me wanted to hug him tightly & stay close with him . But another part of me was telling to push him away & run away from here , to Stay Away from him .

I extended me hands to push him away but I don't know what happened to me , I hugged him ! I hugged him tightly .

Taehyung's POV :

I wanted to comfort her and so I slowly embraced her . First I thought she'll push me away or stay still . But when she hugged me I was taken off guard .

She hugged me tightly & after a while I felt her shake . She was crying ! I held her tight & gently caressed her back .

She felt so fragile & broken . I wanted to hold her in to my arms & comfort her . I want to shoo her sadness & pain away . I want to see her happy & cheery . While she was sobbing in my embrace , I felt pain in my chest . As if I was feeling pain in her sorrow .

I didn't said anything until her sobbing stopped . She pulled away a bit & said ,
" So-sorry.  I-I c-couldn't co-control mys-self . " Her eyes roaming everywhere except me . She was embarrassed .

I chuckled at her cuteness & said , " don't be . I'm happy you let your emotions flow."

I stood up & make her stand . I pulled down her hood that was covering her hair & forehead . She was startled a bit but let me . I whipped away the remaining tears using my thumb & pulled her in to another hug . This time she was stiff .
I buried my face in to the crook of her neck inhaling her sweet & fresh lavender scent   & said , " Relax your body & mind . Don't worry about anything . Just take a deep breath & relax . "
It worked . Her muscles relaxed in my embrace & she hugged me back .

No one's POV :

Both of them closed their eyes & got lost in each others embrace .
They stayed like that for a while . No one uttering anything . It was as if none of them needed words to express themselves . Each others embrace was enough for them to forget about all their sorrows , loneliness & pain & to find peace ....

The Heartless Girl || Completed ||Where stories live. Discover now