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I gathered all the papers & organized them by page numbers . In this time , I was clear that no one else was in here .

Now time to wake him up . I again shook him a bit .

No response just shifted a bit .

I shook him again with a force this time . And guess what ? It worked . He jolted up .

" Huh ! What ?!! What ? Who ? Who r u ? Where did u came from ? R u a thief ? Don't hit me . Take whatever u want . Aghhh...! Help !  "

He said while jumping on the couch & defending himself with the pillow like a monkey .

I couldn't hold my laughter so laughed out loud !!

" Ha😂 ha😂 ha 😂... Your so funny 😂 . Stop jumping 😂 . I won't hurt you 😂 . I'm Y/N ... 😂😂 . "

He stopped jumping & peaked through the pillow . I kept chuckling at his cuteness .

He stared at me for some time then said ,

" Your beautiful ! "

I immediately  stopped laughing . It was first time someone said that to me after Jungkook's death .

" Huh ?! "

" . Um ... I-I mean ... U look beautiful without that blank hoodie  covered face . "

Only then I realized my hoodie has slipped down from my head while laughing & it was 1st time he saw me laughing ! Actually not only him but no one has made me laugh this much after that incident . ( I don't wanna mention Jungkook's death over & over )

This boy was breaking my walls & bringing out my old self !

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