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" Um ...u live here alone ? " I asked .

" Yeah.  " He replied a bit sad . Then added ,

" My mother died in an accident &  my father doesn't care about me after that . He gave me this house & a credit card when I turned 18 & told me that I could use as much money I wish from that but I have to stay away from him . He said that I reminded him of eomma & that's why he didn't wanted to see my face . He even banned me from seeing gramma . "

He was clearly sad & almost at the verge of crying . I would lie if I said his words didn't made me feel bad .

" Don't mind but your father is useless ! " I blurted out .

He just stared for few seconds the said with a chuckle , " I think that too , hehe . "

Ok , this guy has a problem with his mood . It changes every minute .

" But I really miss my gramma tho . I hate being alone . "

" Everybody does . " I said with a sigh as I started writing on the papers again .

After few minutes ...

" Um do you know the answer of this question ? " He asked showing me his paper .

" Hm . Here . " I gave him my note book where I noted the answer when teacher explained it in the class .

After that none of us talked & finished the work .

" Donnnne "  he said with a cheering voice & a victorious face as if he won a war .

" I'll submit it . " I said as I grabbed the papers now secured in a file .

"Oh ! No need , I'll do that . " He protested . But I had already put those in my bag .

" You've done enough . I'll take my leave now . It's getting late . " I said as I looked my watch which was showing 8:45 pm .

" Um .. you can stay if u want . I mean it's quite dark & not safe & ya know bad people - "

I quited his rambling by saying ,
" I'm used to going home late . Bye . "
With that I left .

" Bu- " *the door shut with a loud thud & Y/n was gone *

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