Rude not rude

414 26 4

Your POV :

Instead of going home, I decided to go to my favorite spot . A month ago I invented there is a small jungle near by . It's calm as no one actually goes there . Moreover from there the sky & the stars are clearly seen . I love this place as no one is here to bother me .

I reached there & sat on my usual spot which is a big stone. I closed my eyes in an attempt to see Jungkook's face but instead of his face , someone others came in to my vision .

" Taehyung . " I frowned as those words leave my mouth .

I opened my eyes still frowning . He is wired . I've caught him staring at me before but didn't said anything.
Today's event started playing in my mind .

Flashback ...

I ordered my Tteokbokki & was standing for my order to be done . Suddenly I heard a deep voice saying ,

"Hey , Y/N"

At first I was a bit startled but then I recognized the voice .

" Hi " I said lowly . I heard him order his food then I felt him staring at me !

This boy gives me some different kind of vibe . I don't know why but I kinda feel bad whenever I act rude with him . I was thinking about him when I heard the lady call for me . I took my food but suddenly someone grabbed my right wrist & the food fell from my hand .
I saw that Taehyung boy starring at my hand !

" What the hell ?! " I said & tried to jerk him off but he didn't let me .

Out of nowhere he told me to stand there & wait for him & he ran away !
" What just happened ?! " I asked myself totally confused by his acts . I really wanted to walk away but my stomach growled . I was going to order again but before I could he came back running with a plastic bag . He said some gibberish Which I couldn't understand . After sometime he said ,

" Thanks for staying here . " Well I actually didn't wanted to stay though . But when I looked at him he looked kinda happy?! I didn't wanted to hurt him so I tried to make some excuse but before that the Tteokbokki lady call him .

After taking his food he again grabbed my hand & started dragging me . " What is wrong with him ?! " I asked in my mind . I stopped walking & asked him where he why dragging me .

" Um... Because of me your food fell . Moreover remember , because of me you were late to submit the assignment ? On top of that I showered you with strawberry milkshake on the very first day when we met . So I'm gonna pay for all my mistakes today . " He said with a proud smile .

Well it would be a lie if I say I didn't feel something . His words made me happy . His eyes were screaming his innocence . I was almost at the verge of smiling but then some thoughts came in to my mind . Why was I being soft towards him ?! This boy always succeed in breaking my walls & made me feel some new feelings . I had to control myself .

" You don't need to . I've already forgotten all that . Now Leave me . " I said annoyed . Well actually I didn't forget anything .

" No ! I don't care . Come with me . " I said stubbornly .

" Are you crazy ? Why would I go with you ? I don't even know you ! " This time I was pissed & almost yelled .

Maybe I was too harsh cz he was hurt. He tried to apologize but at that time one thing was rolling in my mind . And it was to stay away from him . Cz I knew the more I'll stay with him the more I'll hurt him . I didn't wanted to hurt him . And so I ran away .

End of Flashback ...

I felt bad rethinking about previous events . " Why did he wanted to bring me with him ? It can't be only to apologize . " I asked myself . His intentions weren't bad . I know it . And if he wanted to apologize he could've done it before . Why now ? I was questioning myself when I heard ,

" Because I wanted to treat your wound . "

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