Part Eighteen: Riley's POV

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"I dare you to go in a room alone with..." Farkle said unsure of himself.

*what are you waiting for?! Just say in your dumb voice, "go in a room alone with Riley, derrrrrrrr."*

Lucas was staring at him with the same voice I was. Right! I also asked him the Maya thing. He was probably under a lot of pressure.

"Farkle needs diner!" He blurted out.

"But it's only 5:30. Why are you hungry? When there are nachos right in front of you?"

After a short argument that we won we slammed the door and ran outside. We were giggling for only thirty seconds until I remembered something.

"Thank you for doing that for me ,Farkle. By that I mean the Maya thing. But that doesn't excuse you for what you did!" I told Farkle.

"Can we just take that out of our memory? I'm very sorry."

At least he apologized.

"I could forgive you if you nevah-evah do that again. Capeesh?" Farkle nodded and stretched out his arms offering a hug. I accepted by going in. It lasted a minute until I opened my eyes and pushed him away.

*wait! I closed my eyes? Why?*

"Ummm. Soooo. We should get going to Starbucks," I said trying to break the ice." Maya really does love that lemon pound cake." Farkle nodded and we started walking again.

We finally got to Starbucks. There was a really long line so Farkle insisted that I go and sit down but I stayed with him. He thought of it as sweet but it was because the only seat left was one next to a fat guy. Who was eating a burrito from Taco Bell. And frankly I don't want to take an hour long bath tonight.

When we finally got to the front of the line a lady told a cute boy around our age, maybe a year older, to go to the counter. "Whatever, Mom. I'm never gonna say yes to anything you say ever again." wow. He said that very rudely.

"What can I get for you losers... oh hello pretty lady. What can I get for you? You know, other than my phone number." he said as he winked at me.

I did not like this. I was about to answer when Farkle stood up."why don't you get us four slices of lemon pound cake, four french vanilla iced coffe, and two slices of coffe crum cake."

He remembered my favorite thing there.

"And while your at it why don't you get yourself a life, and stay out of ours." Ok, Farkle just when all brave. For me.

"Ok little man," the boy said not offended. "I'll get you that right know for you and your girlfriend."

Farkle didn't even correct the boy. I guess it would of caused more excitement so I wouldn't get upset at him for that.

I saw him put a piece of paper in the bag with our order. "Here you go. Put some love in it for ya, Pretty Lady," The guy at the register said. Farkle looked pissed off and snatched the bag out of his hand.

When Starbucks was well out of view I took out the note written with sloppy hand writing which read:
Hey pretty lady, call my numbah
and ditch the suckah <3

"411? More like call 911," I said under my breath.

"What?" Farkle asked.

"I said umm, thank you Farkle," I said saving myself. "You know... for what you did to defend me back there."

"Hey, any friend would have done it. Think nothing of it. Now I have to tell you something before we get back to Maya's."

*please don't hug,kiss,hold hands, or confess feelings towards me.
Please don't hug,kiss,hold hands, or confess feelings towards me*

"Ok, shoot." I said trying to sound sure of myself, cause I wasn't.

"Lucas likes Maya!"

At the sound of that my mouth dropped open. I tried to say something but it came out more like, "whaaeauuu?" In a sorta high, squeaky, soft voice.

"Yeah, I know right," Farkle said. "Total shock to me too when I found out. And the thing is, he asked me to give him some time alone with Maya so he could.."

"Come on!" I interrupted I started to pull him back to the apartment. "We have to get there before they kiss or something!" I said know running while dragging Farkle along.

When we got there I didn't even bother to do a warning buzz, I just went upstairs. I then started knocking like crazy. It was the impatient part of me talking,err, knocking.

"If you guys are kissing we're coming in!" Farkle said which made me blush. I then quickly got rid of it and opened the door.

"Why would you think we would be kissing?" Maya answered with a discussed tone in her voice. She also did the same squint then one eyebrow up thing that she did earlier. What! I remember something.

Every time she lies but wants to look realistic she does that! Is she lying?!

She looked at me so I quickly looked away. "Oh," Farkle said as he looked at me with a weird mixture of an "I told you so" and a "nothing is wrong" look. I gave him a "whatever" look.

"How about we continue that game of Truth or Dare?" Farkle asked remembering the second part of the plan.

"Ummmm" Lucas and Maya said at the same time.

*she is hiding something. I know it*

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