Part Fifteen Maya's POV

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Riley had been gone for about 5 minutes now. It's almost like she hade started yelling. I couldn't make out the words but she was definitely yelling. I herd my name once. no twice now. What was she talking about? Who was she talking about it to?

I should just try to forget it. I'll start making some popcorn. Aww man! I forgot we ran out of snacks except for a couple of pizza roles. I'll leave a note saying I went to the store.

Hey Riles, I went to the store to get some popcorn. NO EATING WITOUT ME!!! Be back soon, it's only a 7 minute walk to the store,

One and only
Maya Hart.

I only told her not to eat anything because I didn't want her to see that I almost didn't have any food left.

It's not that I couldn't afford them. My mom is this close to having a raise. We just don't like to buy things that we don't need at the time.

Once I started to walk out the door Riley was about to open the door to the main room. I could tell because the nob was starting to turn.

I rushed out the door but closed it quietly. I dont know why but I wanted her to think I have been gone for a bit.

I went on the sidewalk and saw Farkle and Lucas going in the direction of my apartment.

When Lucas saw me he kind of froze up. Ugh! Is he still hung up on that phone call we had? I'm so over that! I am, right?

"Hey ,Maya, we were just on our way to your house." Farkle said.

"And I was just on my way to the store. Shoot! I left my money on the counter."

Farkle then elbowed Lucas and looked at him in a weird way. He is a weird guy.

"Oh! Ma..Maya I have about thirty dollars. You could use it if you like." Lucas said nervously.

"Well," I started to reply," I have walked five minutes so far and it is just two minutes from here to the store. So thanks! I'll give you the money back when I get home."

"I..I could go with you if you want," Lucas tried to say confidently. He failed.

"No, it's alright. I'll only be gone for a bit so.."

"But I need to pick up something!" Lucas blurted out. "I mean let me just come. You won't know I'm there."

"Ok, sure, whatever. Farkle, tell Riley I'll be back if she didn't get the note. You know how she gets worried easily," I told Farkle as I started to walk off.

Lucas started to follow.
This was awkward.

I needed to brake the ice. I was just gonna let him know that everything was alright.

But wait.

Riley has to be the one to make Lucas feel better. It was part of my plan. I would make him feel better but I'll leave it off with something that would make him think.

"Hey, Lucas?" I started to say.
He looked surprised to hear me talk to him.
"Yeah, Maya," he answered.

"Look," I said thinking of what to say. "Look, I know you might think I hate you, but I don't! I mean, you were a total jerk,"

He looked down and bit his lip. We were now entering Walmart.

" But that doesn't mean I can't forgive you. People make mistakes. I would know. But you gotta get over it. I did! You should too."

We walked into the snack isle. I picked up Lays chips, tortilla chips, nacho cheese, popcorn, and two kinds of soda.

"Maya, you are so forgiving," he said going in for a hug. This was my chance to mess up his head.

I pushed him away. His happy look turned into a sad look. Was he blushing?! Cute. I mean..err... Ranger Rick is embarrassed!! Cute. DANG IT!

"Sorry," he said.

"Didn't you say that you needed to pick something up?" I asked him.

We were now walking through the girl's section. It was the quickest way to get to the checkout isle.

"Umm... I wanted to pick up.. um.. this!"
He said picking up something on a shelf without looking what it was.

"Um, Lucas. You need to"

He dropped them immediately. He then blushed.

"No! I wanted..." He looked around but we were in the girl's section. There was no escape.

"Ok ok, the truth is that I only came to apologize for being a jerk. So I'm sorry."

He was so sweat I just wanted to hug him but I had to mess with his head. So instead I laughed.

" Thanks, I guess. Panty Boy." I said trying to sound cool.

"Really?" Lucas started to say. "Panty Boy?" He blushed realizing that he had just said "panty".

"Well, even though you were a jerk, I'll forgive you just this once. And I'm also sorry for what I said. I never meant any of it."

He looked up but he looked sad. "None of it? Not even the part.."

"The part when I said I liked you? Of course not! We're total opposites. It would be insane if either of us liked the other. So... friends?" I asked holding out my hand offering a hand shake.

Yup! This is the part when I mess him up.

"Sure," he agreed disappointed. "We should get going. They are going to wonder where we are."

I agreed so we paid for the snacks and we walked home.

I know I got in his head because the entire way back home he said nothing and looked at the ground. I felt kind of bad but it had to be done.

When we finally got home I remembered something.

"Oh, Lucas," I started. "Here is your change," I said taking the money from my pocket and pushing toward him. But he pushed my hand back.

"Keep it. It will be my sorry gift."

"Well then, thank you Lucas."

His facial expression was as if he had just noticed something. He smirked.

"Hey, all day you have been calling me Lucas. What ever happens to Ranger Rick or Ranger Roy or even Hop-a-Long?" He asked me.

I grinned. "Thank you, thank you Sundance."

He grinned back at me and we walked inside

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