Chapter 29

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Today was my last day here. I said by to jason and well thats it. My dad drove me and chris to the airport. When we got to the airport he handed me something and said for your mother he gave me an akward hug then he shake chris hands and i swear i was about to cry. Before i left i gave him one last hug and wjispered goodbye dad and he kiss my forehead. We went inside the airport and did everything we had to do before we got on the plane. Once we got on the plane me and chris found our seat and sat down. I stared at the window until i heard chris said something.

"Im sorry" he said.

"For what" i ask .

"For being a jerk"

I laughed and said "apologie accepted", now tell me what haplened.

He let out a sigh and said well you know melissa freind liz well me and her dated.


Its not a big deal she liked me and well i liked her and she was cute and sweet so i ask her out and we dated.

But this dont make since if you went with liz then why you amd mellissa was acting so weird.

Because i didnt want you to know.


"We cool" he said

Yes, and i gave him a big hug.


Were waiting outside the airport for my mom who seems to be runing late as always same old katrina.


We heard a car honk and saw my waving to get out attention. We went to the car and put our luggage in the back and went in the car and sat down. When we went inside the car we notice a guy was in the passenger seat he was lightskinned, with blue eyes very muscular and cute to.

Mom whos this, i ask?

Ohh, guys this is jerome my boyfriend.

Youre what i shouted.

Boy-friend ,she said slowly for me to understand.

Mom, she looked at me and i wink and she understood what i meant. We both busted out laughing and stop when jerome said "its nice to meet you both i heard so much about you guys".

Sure you have, i said.

Honey i do talk about you guys.

So what did she say about us, i ask jerome.

Well,she said chris is quiet and your loud and that you ask a lot of questions and is always in people business.

Mom, you said that i mean yes their true but really i said and started laughing.

Jerome smiled and touched my mom hands and it was so obvouis tht she was blushing. They made a cute couple together and im haply for her if she could get a guy like that she could get any man she wanted. We spent the rest of the ride talking and laughing and i learned something about jerome he was just like my mom no wonder they made such a cute couple. Chris was quiet the whole ride but that was normal he was usually quiet and on his phone.

Mom, did you here from adrian i ask?

No,but you could go over to his house tomorrow its to late now.


Whos adrian? Jerome ask.

Her boyfriend,my mom answered

And your cool with it.

If you meet him you would to,he sweet and they have been dating for a really long time plus hes nice and helps me around the house.

Is he cutter then me,he ask.

Nope,your way finer.

Childrens alert! I yelled and they both busted out laughing.


We got home i went to my room and texted adrian.


Adrian:your home


Adrian:cant wait to see you

Me: my mom said i could spend tomorrow with you


Me:i miss you

Adrian: i know you do

Me: so you dont miss me

Adrian:thats not possible your to cute

Me: sweet

Adrian:get some sleep


Adrian: nite


I think chris was on the phone with liz because when he went to his room i heard him talking and i know he wasnt talking to his friends he would of been way louder. Do they still go out? Do chris really like her? Anyway who am i to judge he likes her thats his business.

Mom and jerome went straight to bed and well thats all i know. As for me i changed into a pink tink-top and a black sweat pants and went to sleep.

A/N well shes home and this story is close to finish and im going to try to finish secret crush on my mate and check out my new one its called my life diary and much more just not loaded more.

For the people that left me comments thank you so much i really appreciate that and for the ones that didnt please if you have time please do.

Thanks to all

Love to all



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