Chapter 8

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chapter 8 now I definitely no im going fast so close cant wait till my girl reads it .......LOL.....hope she loves it ......................HERES CHAPTER 8

Chapter 8


I finally opened the box and was shocked at what I saw. Ohh my gosh adrian this is so cute how did you get this I asked, my aunt made it , you like it he said ,who wouldnt like it I replyed.

It was a baby blue bracelet, baby blue was my faviote color and the bracelet had diamonds around it and it said adrian in the middle.

As I stared down at the bracelet I started crying because I miss adrian and all my friends I miss my old life and everything back at woods. Are you crying he said , yes I said as I started wiping my ters form my eyes , dont cry its just something to let you know that im always with you okay , but I didnt even get you something ,its okay he said you didnt have to. I put on the bracelet and started smilling. I gotta finish my homework ima text you later okay, yeah I said and we hung up. Just by talking to him my whole mood change and I knew I had the best boyfriend ever and I didnt want to lose him I love him and I will always love him with all my heart and I know he felt the same about me.

I started thinking about what tomorrow was going to be like, what was going to happen more drama or no drama. I got bored tired and sleepy so I close my eyes and felled asleep.

So today my mom read my book and said keep going maybe one day youll be famous. I was happy that my own mom live my story and hope you guys do to




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