Chapter 4

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So I finally wrote chapter four.

I went to school today and told my friend I have a surprise she was so happy and excited I told her she was gonna have to wait and she started begging for hints.

I cant wait till im done with the story so she can read it and I also hope she likes it and hope you guys like it to heres chapter 4..........................

Chapter 4

New school / New drama

Today was the first day of school for me. I was nervous but my brother chris looked like he wasnt like he knew the place, new the kids that went here like he was ready for anything. But me on the other hand was praying that I get along with everyone and have no problems but in high school there was always something called drama.

The school was called lions high school. Chris and I went to the office to get our schedule and when I got them I tried to find my classes but couldnt understand what the paper said. I looked around to see if anyone can help me but couldnt find no one.

You need help I heard a person say from behind me, I turned around and saw a muscular guy standing infront of me. He had brown hair and is just about my height but four inch taller. Cute I.thought to myself, dont forget about adrian a voice said in head.

Im jordan I could show you your classes if you want me to, sure I replied. He started showing me a bunch of stuff like where nerds hang out, where popular hang out ,where his boys hang out and I was just thinking do he actually think im going to remember all of these. When he was finish he stopped and said you didnt tell me your name, jalessa brown , nice to meet you he said with a smirk on his face.

What a day I thought,so far so good it was now lunch time and not once have I seen my brother. I wasnt worried because I know we had different classes and different schedule plus it was a big school. It was now time for lunch but I decided to skip it. I never ate school lunches I usuay brought my own but I forgot today so I had to starved but it was worth it then to eat school food that stinks,uncook, and looked wierd.

I went to the play ground and just sat there thinking about what was happening at woods, what is my girls doing ,what is adrian doing. I know I was going to miss on a lot, all the fun stuff and the drama ,everything.

I felt like I was going to cry but kept strong and hold it in. It was my first day and I know if someone saw me crying my name was going two be cry baby for the whole year.

What you doing here jalesse .........

Chapter four done now working on chapter five which will be up aoon but anyways so far what do you think



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