Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Me and jason both looked up and saw jordan standing infront of us. I didnt know you would be here jason said to his big brother ,me either he replyed. Can I get my turn he asked jason agian , sure jason said as he came closer to me and said if youre looking.for ill be at the table we were sitting at and he disapeared in the crowd.

Jordan came closer yo me and we started dancing the same way me and jason was. He whispered in my ears you look beautiful and his cold breath went inside my body and caused me to shiver. I almost felled on the floor but he catched me and said "you okay".

"Yeah" I said as I tried to catch my balance. You havent been driking right he asked with a serious look on his face , no I havent im just dizzy thats it I replyed , he picked me up bridal style and took me to this room. My head started spining and I felt like I needed to throw up. Jordan wheres the bathroom I whispered he ran to the bathroom which cause my head to hurt even more.

He made it to the bathroom just in time as he put me down and I ran inside I open the toilet and opened my mouth. I started vomiting the drink that jason had gave me I think I was allergic to it because I never vomited in my life upset when I was in fourth grade and was very sick. I flosh the toilet and washed my hands and mouth. I opened the door and jordan was right there you okay he said holding me just incase I was about to fall. Yeah I need to find jason I said as I walked away "feel better" I heard him yelled which cause me to smile.

I found jason at the spot he said he would be at and he immediately knew something was wrong. He ran up to me and said whats wrong, im not feeling well I want to go home I replyed.

He hold me and walked me all the way to his car. He help me get in the passenger seat as he raned around to get on his side of the and we drove off.

I felled asleep for awhile until I heard his voice jalessa,jalessa your home. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at jason then my house and whispered thank you, he looked at me and said youre welcome and kissed me on the forhead.

I walked to my house very slowly like I was 78 instead of 16.

I made it to my room and chris was there but asleep. I went to my bed and layed down and felled asleep.

A/N this part was a little nasty but anyway thats what happened to her, but what did you think??




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