a new beginning

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Izumi looked at her reflection in the water...the turtleducks were swimming happy together...she heard footsteps...it was her father.
"hi dad..." she looked sad...or at least worried
Zuko sat next to her and began looking at the turtleducks, "whats wrong? you come here only when you're frustrated"
"how...how did you know?"
"first of all, youre my daughter, and well...i do it too" he said locking his eyes on his beautiful daughter.
"ugh...its all this firelord thing..." she said...sadness and worry covered her face
"i get that feeling...you know its okay to be scared"
"my ancestors werent a good example for me...how am I supposed to be a good firelord for my people, ill mess up everything and the firenation will be on fire and- and- IM NOT READY...yet"
Zuko chuckled
"youre just overthinking, youre gonna be a wonderful firelord Izumi"
she sighed
"if you think so..."
he looked her in the eyes
"I dont think so, i know that youre gonna be a great firelord"
Izumi hugged Zuko tightly
two days later
Izumi was in her room, looking at the mirror doing her hair, she heard knocking.
"wheres the most amazing firelord ever?" she heard in a funny tone
her face lightened, two hands suddenly covered her eyes, but Izumi gave a punch as reflex...it wasnt nobody scary, actually..."BUMI YOU SCARED ME"
"and you bruised me, how can I attend your coronation now?" he said in a cocky tone, Izumi helped him up.
"i thought you couldnt came..."
"but im here! and my siblings are here too...well dont think about that, ill never miss your coronation, its important"
Izumi kissed him...well that kiss became a make out session...They heard the door knocking, they suddenly pulled apart, Zuko appeard. "Zumi, are you- oh, you..."
Bumi cleaned his troat "Morning sir, uh firelord Zuko" he bowed, Zuko bowed as well
"dont need to be all that formal on me, i changed you diapers and since youre dating Izumi i guess youre part of the family...um you better clean up the lipstick my daughter tranfered on youre face" he said
Bumis face covered with red and he ran outside the door. "did i was too harsh on him? ugh sorry i dont want him to run away from me"
Izumi chuckled at the image of her imbarassed boyfriend, "thats fine, you mask jealousy better than Uncle Aang"
he put his hands on her shoulders
"youre a woman, and a firelord...that deserve anything, but remember dont be too selfish, not too selfless, dont be overprotective to youre people but not careless...you have to be a leader that leads with honor and humility...we have to give the peace and the kindness that our ancestors forgot...we have to restore the honor of the firenation...you have to restore the honor of the firenation"
"ill do my best i promise...even if this its a lot to remember...you know you sounded like Uncle Iroh"
"I wished he was here but we have to accept his decision to go to the spirit world, he knows that youre gonna be a better firelord than ill ever be"
"thanks dad" she said looking at herself in the mirror, ready to face her destiny.
after his service for the firenation, firelord Zuko decided to left his place to give space at a new face, a new leader for our nation, Princess Izumi ,rise, i pronounce you...Firelord Izumi, leader of our nation.

A/N: ok so, i finally published something that im actually proud of...itzzz_dumb_girl helped me giving me the idea for this oneshot, so thak you, hope you like it <3

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