32. 雪 - Yuki: Snow

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"Father!" Takeru tugged at his jacket urgently

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"Father!" Takeru tugged at his jacket urgently. "Father!"

The weight of Ryoji's body felt like nothing as he dragged the boy outside, drawing the attention of onlookers whose worried eyes began to gather. Some men attempted to intervene, but he paid them no mind. He was determined to teach this bastard a lesson.

"Tora?" Keina ran from the car, Seiji-kun and the strange girl trailing behind her. "What is this? What do you want to do Ryoji-kun?"

"Father!" Takeru clung on his stomach and pulled him away. "LET GO RYOJI!"

He wouldn't let the boy go and smacked his head instead. The boy staggered, but didn't try to break free. "What-you-did-to-my-son..."

"It's not Ryoji's fault," Takeru sobbed. "It's my fault! I was the one who teased him!"

"SHUT UP TAKERU! I'll beat you up later, but for now, let me..." one slap on the cheek, "teach a lesson..." one kick in the stomach, "to this fagot...."

Takeru's cries grew even louder - seeing his son so whiny, so effeminate, disgusted him. Keina, Seiji-kun, and the strange girl hurried over to him. Keina deftly inserted herself between him and Ryoji, acting as a shield.

"Tora, please stop. Why are you beating this poor boy?"

"He was kissing with Takeru! Kiss on the lips, Keina! I caught the two of them making out in the changing room, like lovers! How disgusting!"

The strange girl glared while making a sound like she was choking. Takeru slumped and knelt on the asphalt, still crying for mercy. Ryoji just looked down; he had not said anything. He didn't even fight back. It almost seemed like the boy knew he was in trouble.

"Ryoji-kun..." Keina was flabbergasted, her gaze shifting to Ryoji. "Is that really what happened?"

Ryoji stayed silent, averting Keina's eyes as his face turned red and tears welled up.

"You ruined my son!" He grasped the Ryoji's chin, making him meet his gaze. "I always thought you and Takeru were best friends! But now it seems you've been taking advantage of Takeru, just because you have a crush on him!"

"It's not his fault!" Takeru grabbed both of his calves, holding him back from moving forward. "Father, it's not Ryoji's fault. It was my fault. Just punish me. Don't hurt Ryoji."

"Oh, yes! I'll beat you up at home, Takeru! I'll beat you up until all the gayness comes out of you!"

Ryoji sobbed even louder, while Seiji-kun hugged his brother's waist, tears streaming down his face. The strange girl looked unsure of what to do. More people gathered, whispering among themselves and shooting reproachful glances at Ryoji.

"You must have misunderstood, Tora. I'm sure that's not what happened," Keina suggested, trying to calm the situation. She bowed slightly, apologizing to the growing audience. "Let's leave Ryoji-kun alone and continue this conversation in the car."

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