29. The Promise

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The resounding cheers from the match echoed through the building, instantly grabbing Yuki's attention

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The resounding cheers from the match echoed through the building, instantly grabbing Yuki's attention. Standing there, he couldn't shake the thought that perhaps a hockey match was underway on the rink. It was May already, and league selections weren't slated until the next month. Maybe, he speculated, it was just a warm-up match for Misawa High School.

The urge to steal a glance inside tugged at him irresistibly. It had been five long years since he'd last seen a hockey game, be it live or on television. He didn't exactly miss hockey, he was just curious. Most of his memories associated with the rink were ones he'd rather not dwell on. Yet, the spirited cheers of the spectators stirred up a nostalgic excitement within him. In this city, hockey reigned supreme as the most beloved sport. Misawa's fields were too wet and cold for football, baseball, or other sports, leaving ice as the reliable go-to—its perpetually frozen state guaranteed by the region's chilly climate.

Tucking the collar of his jacket, he noted the noticeably warmer air of the current year. Areas that were once dense with trees now buzzed with the construction of new buildings. It made him wonder: if temperatures kept rising and the ice failed to hold, what sports would the people of Misawa turn to? Water polo, perhaps?

Another round of cheers erupted from inside, likely signaling a goal scored. He sighed, abandoning his initial urge to step into the rink. He was afraid someone would recognize him, although it was quite unlikely. He had changed his appearance—so drastically that not even Sazae-san, whom he bumped into at the station, recognized him. He preferred not to take any chances. It was safer to keep his distance.

He lingered in the bustling parking lot, reluctant to return to the inn. The asphalt, typically blanketed in ice, now bore large patches of rainwater, creating intricate patterns. He found himself drawn to a spot a few meters away from the rink's entrance. Something important had happened there five years ago. If only, he wondered, that fateful night the asphalt hadn't been frozen....

The bell's loud resonance filled the air from within. Twenty minutes had passed. By his calculation, the game now be transitioning into the third round.

He strolled towards the edge of the parking lot, where a row of keyaki trees stood tall behind a cluster of bonsai, their vibrant shoots adorned in deep orange and red hues, joyfully celebrating spring. A wooden bench nestled under the canopy of one of these trees. Stepping over the bonsai, he settled onto the bench. The atmosphere remained unchanged. The only difference now was that five years ago, he had someone by his side in this very spot.


"There you are!" Ryoji's voice broke through my thoughts as he approached, one hand carrying his ice skates.

"Your father and mother are here. They just arrived," he informed me.

"I know..." I shifted to make room beside me on the bench. "That's why I'm hiding here. What about your family?"

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