4. Fence

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How could Haru ever forget how noisy Chie could be? It didn't matter if he wasn't in the mood to chat; Chie would chatter on, filling him in with everything from the latest celebrity gossip to her own life updates. In their quiet little town of Yoshino, having someone as chatty as her was almost comforting, but in Tokyo's busy streets, it was chaotic. Walking with Chie was like strolling alongside a giant parrot.

Haru had learned to adjust himself to Fujiwara's character too. The neighbor was his usual self most of the time, swiftly switching between contemplative thoughts and getting sidetracked by plants, stray animals, or funny-looking clouds. When the gloomy side appeared, Haru stayed calm and continue talking like normal.

They still did their morning walk to campus. It was a quick trip, less than fifteen minutes, but felt like they traversed miles of conversation. On weekends, Fujiwara took him bargain hunting for clothes, showed him the best budget-friendly restaurant (filled with students like himself), and introduced him to hidden gems like cheap bookstores and indie cinemas. Thanks to him, Haru finally understood that Tokyo wasn't really as bad as he thought.

In the evenings, he'd steal glances at Fujiwara through his window as the neighbor sat at his desk. Whether Fujiwara was writing or sketching, he couldn't quite tell. Most of the time, Fujiwara was so captivated in his work that he didn't even notice him watching. There was one time Fujiwara caught him off guard, though. Unfortunately, Haru didn't have a book with him at that time (he usually did), so he just ducked under his desk, ears burning with shame.

This particular Saturday, Haru had been holed up in the library since morning, battling other students for some rare textbooks. Nishii-san had gone out with her friends and would return late. When Haru finally arrived home, the clock had already struck past noon.

In the kitchen, he noticed that the sliding door to the backyard was open. He wondered whether Nishii-san had forgotten to shut it. Or could it be that someone had broken into the house? He snatched his phone and tapped the emergency number. Kunitachi was a safer suburb compared to other parts of Tokyo, the idea of someone breaking in during the daytime seemed outrageous. Still, these were crazy times.

Haru peeked outside and caught a familiar figure. The neighbor, clad entirely in black—black long-sleeved tee, black joggers, even black gloves—was standing at the back yard. Branches were stacked beside him.


"Oh, welcome back." He grinned. "Didn't mean to freak you up. Or did I?"

"I thought you were a burglar!"

"A burglar?" He looked slightly offended. "Because of the all-black outfit?"

"Never mind. What are you doing?"

"Painting the fence. Nishii-san's request," Fujiwara nodded towards the wooden fence, now sporting a neat pale blue with a zigzag pattern so edge-clean like it was printed instead of painted. Not a drop of paint out of place. "Just waiting for it to dry. Figured I'd tidy up the yard in the meantime." He stepped back, inspecting his work. "Do you like the color?"

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