33. 良司 - Ryoji

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Hey, big sis, it's me

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Hey, big sis, it's me.

He brushed the weathered tombstone gently. Etched upon it were the words: "Hirose Hikari."

Carefully, he replaced the withered flowers with fresh ones he had brought along.

These are chrysanthemums. White, just like Mother loved. I never knew your favorite color, but I hope you'd like these too.

Kneeling down, he began arranging the flowers meticulously, appreciating the serene atmosphere of the burial ground. It was no surprise; it was nearing three o'clock in the afternoon, an hour when hardly anyone visited the gravesite. He figured he was the lone visitor for today, so there was no need to hurry.

He had purchased the flowers from Hanasuki flower shop near the takoyaki stall, the same one managed by the old Baa-san. Seeing her bent figure and short-sighted eyes, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy.

Then it struck him – his sister never knew Baa-san and everyone else he knew. Hikari lived in their family old house atop the hill, and she had passed away long before he was born.

Using a disposable rag he had bought from the supermarket, he wiped away the faint dust and leaves clinging to the tombstone.

It's been a while since Father last came here, huh?

A gentle breeze swept through, and he saw it as a nod from his sister.

Trying to conjure up an image of her face, he imagined her smiling. He didn't know her well; she resembled Mom, her face only familiar through old photographs.

Big sis... do you know where our Mother is?

He couldn't pinpoint his mother's whereabouts. When he returned a year after he left his hometown, he found his family's shop replaced by a pet store. Disguised with long hair, he posed as a customer seeking Hirose Sports Shop. Neighbors told him about his mother's illness and his father's sale of the shop before leaving Misawa as well.

He tried to contact his grandparents in Akita but he couldn't reach them failed – phone number disconnected. Unfamiliar with their address and never having visited Akita, he felt stranded. His father's family in Hachinohe had long since lost contact, a result of his father's estrangement after relocating to Misawa.

He suspected his mother resided in Akita with his grandparents. He wanted to visit them to confirm his suspicious but he never had enough money to travel that far. His deceased older sister remained the only familial presence to engage with in Misawa.

Yet, solace lay in the thought of someone still lending an ear. Grateful for his sister's companionship, he lit incense and offered a prayer. Once done, he gravitated towards a nearby grave, contrasting in its newer, well-kept state, devoid of dried flowers, and seemingly safeguarded.

"Sorry I'm late this year."

He ran his fingers gently over the tombstone, as though seeking a connection with the one buried beneath.

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