26. Matter of The Heart

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Chie's words hit him like a sudden gust of wind, freezing him in place

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Chie's words hit him like a sudden gust of wind, freezing him in place. All this time, he had misjudged that girl. Beneath her facade of talking whatever she thinks, Chie had truly understood the complexities of emotions. His, in particular.

And she had been right.

"Why are you just standing there?" Chie gently pounded his chest. "Go find him and express your feelings!"

"So you know it's Yuki?"

Chie rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue. "Of course! Who else can it be?"

"But does it have to be this sudden—"

"No excuses. Look at Oda, Kawafuji, and those girls... they have more courage than you! Life's too short. If you like someone, just say it! The worst that could happen is rejection, but the best is acceptance. You're strong enough to handle both. What are you waiting for?"

Haru pondered for a moment, then bowed deeply out of respect for his best friend. Chie gazed at him intently. She seemed like she needed a hug, so Haru opened his arms, offering one. But Chie hesitated, stepping back and holding him at arm's length.

"Please don't," she said, her eyes welling up. "I appreciate it, but if you hug me, I won't be able to be your friend anymore."

"What does that suppose to mean?"

Chie shrugged. Haru knew she wasn't one to cry openly in front of others. She would retreat to the bathroom and let her tears flow in private.

"Are you crying?" he asked softly.

Chie shook her head. "Go."

"Thank you, truly. You're the best friend I could ask for."

"Yes, yes, yes, alright," Chie pushed Haru away gently. "Now, go!"

With a determined nod, Haru turned and headed off to the front gate, grateful for Chie's unwavering support.

"Don't walk! Run!" Chie shouted behind him; waving and smiling broadly. "Run as fast as you can!"


Chie wiped something from her cheek. "Good luck!"


As Haru sped towards Shiru's café, luck seemed to be on his side as all three red lights he encountered turned green. In just five minutes, he arrived at the café's entrance. Peering through the window, he scanned the interior but couldn't spot the figure he was searching for. Without hesitation, he pushed open the door and approached the cashier. The guy told him that Yuki was off duty for the day.

Without wasting a moment, Haru dashed out again. The sun cast its golden hues across the sky, painting everything with a warm orange glow. As he weaved through the bustling streets filled with people winding down their day, Haru found himself offering silent encouragement. "I have to do it," he told himself. "Sure, people might have their opinions, but isn't that just how the world works?" Whether they see you as flawed or flawless, it's irrelevant. What truly matters is honoring your own conscience, your feelings, and what you hold dear. Today, he gleaned a valuable lesson from Chie: the importance of staying true to oneself.

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