20. Mercy

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Haru clutched the cardboard box, its weight mirroring the churning in his gut. Inside, a gourmet cheesecake from Unicorn Bakery – a pricier, five-minute trek beyond the usual campus fare – held the potential to alter his afternoon, maybe even his semester. Every outrageous yen was a calculated gamble. He took a deep breath, nerves jangling. Three sharp raps on Yuki's door echoed down the hall. Silence.

Just as his confidence threatened to evaporate, the door creaked open a sliver, revealing Yuki's sleep-mussed hair. Surprise flickered across his face, then his eyes hardened with a cool demeanor. He acknowledged Haru with a quick, deadly cold gaze, before attempting to shut the door with a decisive slam. Haru lunged forward, his heart pounding as a desperate cry escaped his lips. "Wait!"

His hand jammed between the closing gap, and a jolt of pain shot up his arm. "Stupid door."

"Trying to get squished?" Yuki's voice held a hint of annoyance, muffled through the wood. 

Haru winced, both from the throbbing fingers and the formality of his full name. "N-no, of course not! I brought... a peace offering." The words tumbled out in a rush, punctuated by another yelp of pain. "Cheesecake! From Unicorn Bakery."

The door opened a crack further, revealing a sliver of Yuki and a skeptical eyebrow. "A culinary bribe, then? You don't need to grease my palms. I can feed myself, you know."

"I know," Haru stammered, cheeks warming under the scrutiny. "This is... a gesture. Not a bribe."

Yuki sighed, a sound heavy with unspoken exhaustion. "Tokyo's expensive. Gotta spend your money smart. Ramen fills you up way more than fancy pastries for the price."

"I... am going to start working part-time next week. At Family Mart. Besides, this gift... isn't too expensive."

"Are you sure? The receipt says fifteen hundred yen."

Haru checked the cake box and horrifiedly found the purchase receipt still clinging stubbornly under the clear plastic wrap. The numbers glaring back in bold numbers. His cheeks burned. Nervousness had caused him to forget the incriminating evidence!

Just as he reached for the receipt, Yuki gently took his injured hand. A kiss seemed imminent, but instead, Haru felt a soft puff of air graze his skin. "This will get swollen later."

"You think so?"

"I know so." Yuki tapped on his cheeks that were swollen badly a couple weeks ago. He nudged the door open further. "Next time, don't be such an idiot."

"Thank you," Haru said, unsure if this meant an invitation to come inside. He decided to follow Yuki and climbed upstairs.

Yuki heading straight for the kitchen. He filled a basin with warm water and retrieved a small towel. Patting the round table at the center of the room, he invited him to sit. As Haru placed the cake box down, Yuki gestured for his hand once more. Hesitantly, Haru extended it. He began compressing his fingers. The water soothed.

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