•Chapter 33•

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Lily and James were sitting in the Common Room of their Dorm. Lily completing her homework and James sitting beside her, talking. "Well there's another reason I'm glad to be a wizard." James said, Lily was telling him about muggle schools. "Hey! It isn't that bad!" Lily protested. "Please, the maths with all the calratters sounds so complicated!" "Calculators." Corrected Lily, laughing. It was funny how less wizards knew about muggle life,  more funnier that muggles knew even less about the other life.

"Shit, I'm late."  Muttered James as he checked his watch. He got up quickly and ran to his room, leaving the red-head confused. He came back from his room in a matter of seconds and was Lily could see that there was something he was hiding under his cloak. "What happened?" She asked suspiciously. "Oh nothing, just need to get to the boys for something important Lils, sorry." He replied." She stared at him, waiting for something more. "Fine, fine I'll maybe tell you what it's about." He said. "Oh really?" She asked, half sarcastically. "Uh, well maybe not." He confessed, hurrying out of the dorm. "That's what I thought." She muttered to herself.

It was midnight when Lily suddenly woke up, she realised she had accidentally slept in the common room. As she was making her way to her own room she saw something....weird to say the least. There was really a dog with a rat on it's head? Don't dogs eat rats? To make it even more bizarre, a stag came from nowhere and stood beside the other two animals and she didn't know how or why they seemed like they were joking about something. Call it a gut feeling but she just knew something about this was, familiar? 'Wow I've really started hallucinating' She thought to herself, although she knew that wasn't the case.  

You could say it was the Gryffindor in her that was making her do what she was about to do, or well, she was just.....stupid. She pulled on a coat, wore her shoes as she tried to calm down her conflicting thoughts. Finally she quickly slipped out of the dorm trying to be as quiet as possible. She was the head-girl, roaming around the corridors well past the curfew. Just thinking about the consequences made her anxious, so she tried not to do that, though it wasn't going to take Sherlock Holmes's skills to know that she wasn't succeeding, like, at all. 

Finally she reached the grounds and made her way to somewhere near the Whompimg Willow because as of what she remembered, that's where the animals were (That is to say if she wasn't hallucinating the whole time and her mind had finally gone crazy.) But as soon she reached the spot the the only words, or rather the only sound that came out of her were, 




very short chapter, sorry about that, but the next one's gonna be a good one ;) 

and i really do promise i won't take this long with it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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