•Chapter 11•

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Classes had finished and everyone was making their way back to the Gryffindor Common Room after dinner, where the party would be held. The marauders and a few others did not even have a proper dinner because everyone knew snacks and drinks were a necessity during the parties and they would always get delicious ones.

"C'mon people get ready! Party in an hour!" Shouted an extremely excited Sirius. Lily shook her head at that. She didn't understand why they were so excited when they were having those parties since the past 2-3 years, but she made her way to the Head's dorm anyway to change her school robes into something casual and better.

When she entered the dorm she saw that James had already reached there. "James? How did you reach here so fast? I left before you." She asked, clearly confused. "Sorry Lils, Marauder's secrets." James said as he used his fingers to demonstrate as if there was a lock on his lips. Lily though curious, knew better than to further question the Marauders' ways.


When Lily entered the common room she saw that the party had already started and people were visibly having a lot of fun. They even had fire whiskey for those who were of age but most of them were drinking butterbeer, which Sirius had protested on. ("No Sirius, they are too young, it's not good for them!" "We had fire whiskey at an early age Lilykins and we turned out perfectly fine." "I seriously doubt that!" "I don't doubt that, you do!" "IT'S ILLEGAL!")

Sirius already looked as if he was drunk and was flirting with Marlene, who was just as much drunk. Alice and Frank were sitting on the same chair, lost in each other and James was talking to Mary and some other seventh year. She noticed Remus sitting on the couch at the corner most part of the room with a book in his hand.

"C'mon Remus, even you loosen up during these parties, what's wrong?" Lily asked as she reached the boy. Remus shook his head and gave a short glance to where Marlene was standing. "Come let's get a drink!" Lily said. Remus was surprised at that as it was always the opposite, him asking Lily to have fun with them. Remus smiled at that and said, "Not in the mood today Lils." As he again glanced towards Marlene who was laughing crazily at something that Sirius had said.

"Marlene? But you said it was a boy- oh." Lily said as realisation hit her. "It's Sirius?" She asked in a whisper. Remus hesitated a second before nodding and saying, "You can't tell anyone Lily, I'll get over it, it's okay." Though Remus knew it was lie. It had been a year and if anything his feelings only grew. "Oi Lily, come here!" Came Mary's voice calling her to where her and James were. "It will be okay Remus, don't worry, who knows he might be feeling the same way." Said Lily, giving him a small smile and made her way towards her friend.

"Hey!" Said Lily, "Hi Lily." Replied James "Oops sorry Marlene wants to talk to me, bye." Said Mary as she walked away leaving both James and Lily in confusion as Sirius and Marlene were busy dancing with each other.

"So um, who are you going to the ball with." Asked Lily, trying to start a conversation . A look of sadness came on James's face at the mention of ball, but it went as soon as it came. "Oh, I'm going with Mary."

Mary!? Thought Lily, how could Mary do this to her, it's not that she knew Lily liked James but- "As friends" Finished James.

"Oh okay." Said Lily as relief flooded over her and she felt like smacking her head at how foolish she had been. "Yeah, Mary didn't want any more people to ask her since she is too polite to properly reject them so she asked me if we could go as friends." Said James. "Yeah, that sounds like Mary." Lily said, smiling. Wow had James Potter really missed a chance of having a date thought Lily. "I'll go and bring Remus to the party, his poor books don't even get a rest from him." Said James. Lily laughed at that as James said bye and made way to Remus.


It was past midnight and only a few drunk seventh years and some sixth years were left. All the marauders were drunk, even Remus as James had finally convinced him. Sirius and Peter were on the floor half asleep and James and Remus were on the couch already asleep. Marlene and Mary were going to their dormitories, both giving each other support to prevent one another from falling on the stairs. Frank and Alice had already gone to bed and Lily who hardly had one drink or two was going to sleep in her old dormitory too tired to walk back to the Head's one.


This chapter is not good I know. Had no idea how to finish this chapter so sorry if the ending is bad.

Also thank you for 50+ votes! <3

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