•Chapter 3•

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Please do read the a/n!

(James POV)
"Y-you're head-boy!?" Lily said, her eyes widened in shock.

"Yes Lily, I know, I was also surprised." I said, grinning at her surprised expression. "B-but how is that possible, You're a- a marauder, you're Potter!" Said Lily, not being able to get over the shock. "I know who I am Lily." I replied smiling. "What was Dumbledore thinking!?" She said to herself even though it was loud enough for us to hear. Both Alice and Remus were trying to hide their laughs.

"Are you okay Lils or will we have to take you to Madam Pomfrey?" Said Alice, now laughing. "No I'm fine, I'm fine." Replied Lily. "So since you're okay now, can we talk about our duties before other prefects come?" I asked her, knowing this would get her out of her daze. Lily Evans took her duties really seriously- if Sirius would have been here he would have definitely joked about what I just said- "Yeah okay, did you prepare anything?" Asked Lily.

(Lily POV)
"As a matter of fact I did." Answered James, proudly. "I have made a rough idea of the time table for the patrols." He said taking out a piece of paper -Really!?- "Oh okay" I replied as I started reading his messy handwriting.

Monday - Severus Snape and Narcissa Black
Tuesday - Amos Diggory and Chynna Chang
Wednesday - Pandora Pasque and Avani Patil
Thursday - James Potter and Lily Evans
Friday - Remus Lupin and Alice Prewett
Saturday- James Potter and Lily Evans
Sunday - Rotation

"Severus is the Slytherin prefect ugh!" I said out of frustration. We used to be best friends but when in 5th year he called me that, I ended everything with him. I was done with his excuses, I will never be able to understand why he became friends with those stupid, Death eaters . Now whenever I saw him I tried my best to ignore him, to act like I didn't care.

"Yeah, how Snivelly managed to do that, I don't know." Said James, bitterness could clearly be heard in his voice. "So is the time table okay?" He asked. "Yes." I answered, I could see he expected more, some kind of appreciation and I even wanted to say something. But I didn't, I didn't want to acknowledge the fact that he was actually being responsible about something. Why though?

After a few more minutes of talking, other prefects started entering the compartment for the prefects' meeting.

"Congratulations for making to the prefectorial board this year. If you don't know us, I am Lily Evans, the head-girl and this is James Potter, the head-boy." James winked at that. "We will be giving the schedules for the patrols which start at 10:00 pm." I finished.

"There should be no misuse of your position and if you have any doubt regarding your duties you can contact either me or Lily." James said. Severus snorted at that and mumbled "Sure." James glared at him and was about to say something when I interrupted him, " It's okay Potter, you don't have to argue every time someone questions your position." Severus grinned as a look of rage and hurt flashed across James' face, even Remus, Alice looked a bit shocked at my words. -Why did I do that!?- James continued with his speech, trying to pretend nothing happened.

Soon after a few more discussions the meeting ended and I was just packing some stuff when I heard James say to Remus, " You go on, I'll come in a bit." For some reason I felt my body tense at those words.

"Lily I need to talk to you." James said to me. "Okay" I replied, hesitantly.

"Look Lily, I don't know what's going on between you and Snivellus and honestly, now, I don't care. I just don't understand how you can defend someone who uses words like you-know-what and bullies people." He was trying to be calm but the slight anger could be heard in his voice. I was too stunned to reply.

"I get it, I bullied too and I am sorry about that but atleast I'm willing to change. I would like to remind you that I haven't done anything of that sort since last year and obviously you ignored that. You are known to look past people's mistakes but why am I an exception?" He was hurt, very hurt.

"I know I can and will do my duty responsibly but if you can't see that then guess what? I'm not doing my duty to impress you or anyone. I hoped we could finally get along this year but I don't know how much you are willing to cooperate." He finished.

I was shocked at these words, even more as I realised how true his words were. A feeling of guilt filled inside me.

"James, I- I'm so-" I started when I finally felt good enough to talk. But I saw that he had already left the compartment. I was alone in the compartment, on the verge of tears.

First I would like to clear that I have nothing against the Slytherin house nor do I think all Slytherins are bad.

Thank you for reading!

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