Chapter 10

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Charlotte groaned with annoyance when she realised she had fucked up her sleeping pattern again. Hearing the Day Class students out in the main building and stables as they attended classes, she sighed and rolled over in her bed, covering her face with her pillow and holding a hand over her ear in a pathetic attempt to drown out the obnoxious noises humans made when having fun and internally dying from the stress of secondary school.

Realising that she wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, she sat up with a glare and threw her duvet off of her, shoving it to the end of her bed and standing up, making her way to her closet to change. She stripped out of the jeans and pants she was wearing the day before and put on a new pair along with black leggings, grabbing a knit burgundy jumper that was way too big on her and went down to mid thigh. She stared down at her bare feet, wiggling her toes slightly before deciding to put on a pair of socks and slipping her feet into the black Oxfords she had worn the night before.

"Where are you going?" Came Kaname's voice when they opened their doors at the same time, "It's day time and you're going outside?" She wiggled her pair of Ray Bands at him. "You're constantly going out during the day..." he squinted his eyes at her, his eyes scanning over what she was wearing, "do you like being out in the day time?"

"Not really, but I don't like sitting in the house all day trying to be quiet... so I have to go out and do something. My sleeping schedule is all fucked up, so it just so happens that I'm constantly going out during the day... and besides, I have to go shopping for a few things since I've grown..." she trailed off, shifting uncomfortably when she realised what she had to be shopping for and hoped he wouldn't ask.

"You'll be fine going out on your own?" He asked, still looking at her, tilting his head to the side, "Do you need someone to go with you?"

"I can shop by myself, thank you. Go back to bed, you ask too many questions in the morning." She waved her hand at him, clutching her purse and mobile in her hand. "If it makes you feel better, I've got my mobile with me." She waved it in front of him, "I'm pretty sure you have my number... being the Dorm President and all..." He nodded, stepping back into his room and closing his door.

Walking down the corridor and the stairs, slipping her sunglasses on over her eyes as she left the Dorm, the sun immediately beating down on her. She pushed her hair out of her face as she walked down the footpath to the gates, nodding to the gate keeper before pushing them open and walking out. She hummed as she made her way towards the entrance, ignoring people who stared incredulously at her as she left the Moon Dorm and was making to leave campus.

"Hey! Hey! You're from the Night Class, right?" A girl ran up to her, waving her arms to get Charlotte's attention. Charlotte turned to the girl, catching her as she tripped over her own feet and was sent forward. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I'm such a clutz!" Charlotte helped her stand, steadying her as she wobbled a bit. "I'm Sarah! What's your name? You are in the Night Class, aren't you? You're the new student that came her a few weeks ago, right?"

"Yeah," she nodded, "and I'm Charlotte... was there anything you needed?" She wanted to leave already, get out of the sun and this girl was making it difficult. "I'm sorry, but I'm kind of in a hurry to go and run an errand..." She trailed off, looking behind Sarah to see Zero walking over, a bored expression on his face.

"Get to class," Zero boomed suddenly, causing Charlotte and Sarah to jump at the sound of it, "Aido, you're with me, let's go." He walked past them, grabbing Charlotte's arm and dragging her to the gate and she waved at Sarah, smiling sheepishly at her before turning around and stumbling to catch up with Zero despite him roughly dragging her alone.

"Let me go! Jesus Christ, there's no need to be so bloody rough!" She snapped, wrenching her am from his grasp and shoving her hair out of her face and glaring at Zero. "Christ, you're so rude, I was in the middle of conversation with lovely little Sarah over there." She jutted her thumb behind her where she had been before she was dragged off.

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