Chapter 28

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The earliest memory Charlotte had was of a woman, the features of her blurry, but she could make out the colour of her hair and eyes clearly, as well as the shape of her nose. The woman was blonde, the same coloured hair as her own and her eyes were a dark blue, and despite her image of the memory being blurry, she could see the kindness in her eyes, the look of adoration and love in the woman's eyes. She knew she couldn't have been no more than one years old, or maybe younger, like a few months. Whenever she thought back to that early memory, she always got this overwhelming maternal connection, but she always found it odd because the blurred image of the woman didn't look like the woman she had grown up calling 'mother'.

And Charlotte hadn't recalled this memory in quite some time until now that she had just been woken up from a nap in another empty classroom, Akatsuki gently shaking her awake with a worried look on his face and him muttering out, "You look a bit pale, when's the last time you fed?" Which was such an odd question, or for him to say that because she had fed a couple of days ago and hadn't done anything to use a mass amount of energy to cause her to need to feed again.

As she walked down the corridor with Rima and Akatsuki in front of her, leading the way where they were all summoned, she recalled those kind blue eyes filled with adoration and love, the familiarity in them hitting her so hard her head began to pound. Her mind wandered to what she had dreamt, those eyes and the blonde hair was in them, although the dream and image of the woman hadn't been blurry before, it was blurry now that she thought about it and she wanted to scream out in frustration, she wanted to see the woman's face clearly, but she couldn't recall her features clearly.

Her dream was simple, but she couldn't quite remember the details, she knew it was sad, she felt sad just thinking about it. She knew it was along the lines of a goodbye, but she didn't know who was saying goodbye, her or the woman, she didn't know who was leaving or why the goodbye had to be just that - a goodbye. She couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of sadness flood through her and she gritted her teeth in annoyance, as she didn't even quite know why she was sad, it was just a simple goodbye, that was it and it was between her and a woman she didn't even know.

Charlotte stopped walking, a strange feeling in her chest and she looked towards the front door of the main building that her, Akatsuki and Rima were headed the opposite of. They both turned around when they heard her halt, her feet stomping on the ground unintentionally and they gave each other questions looks before looking back at the blonde girl and Rima spoke, "Is there something wrong, Lady Charlotte?"

"Uh... you guys go ahead... I'll meet up with Kaname later..." she waved them off and walked towards the front doors, grateful that they didn't question anymore and continued to walk the way they were headed with her unintentional demand, them having no choice but to obey. She pushed her fringe out of her face before she took off running outside, the feeling in her chest building up to excitement and she couldn't help but squeal as she realised what it was.

She dodged around the students who got in her way, some of them watching in awe as she ran, noticing how fast of a runner she was and she couldn't help but laugh because she wasn't even running at her top speed. She twisted around a few more students who accidentally got in her way, she hopped over someone tying their shoe as well as a bench and she kicked off a tree to jump on another picnic table to only hop off of it when there was a blockade of students in her way and they all showed their astonishment as she flipped over all of their heads before landing gracefully on her feet headed towards the Moon Dorm.

She shoved open the gates, apologising to the gatekeeper when she didn't close them and she continued on down the footpath to the Moon Dorm door, bursting through it and running straight towards the familiar blond headed boy. She crashed into him, wrapping her arms around his torso and burying her face in his chest, crying out a happy, "Takuma! You're back!" He stumbled back slightly at the impact, but when he caught his balance he wrapped his arms around her as well and lifted her in the air for a twirl with a chuckle.

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