Chapter 39

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Charlotte approached the church yard with a frown on her face, anger still radiating through her, as well as regret. She hadn't intended to act the way she did back there in the library, but once again she hadn't a filter on her mouth and all those things came spewing out, and once they had started, there was no way she could stop herself. But she had made her point, and she knew Takuma wasn't mad at her, so she didn't feel that bad about it.

She had her hands in her trousers' front pockets, her scowl looking deadly and what few people who were still out at this time of night scurried out of her way. She forced away the scowl when she saw the familiar honey blond hair that belonged to her brother and she plastered on a fake smile that she hoped looked okay. She ran up to them, hopping on her brother's back who stumbled forward with a cry of surprise.

Hanabusa gripped Charlotte's thighs when she wrapped her legs around him to keep herself from falling, "A warning would have been nice!" He bounced just enough so she'd scoot up a couple of inches, that was she was resting painfully on his hips, as his hips weren't positioned like that of a woman's. She giggled and resting her arms on his shoulders, loosely clasping her hands together in front of his chest. "So, what was that oh so important business you ran off to, hm?"

"I went to see Takuma!" She chirped, her smile now genuine and her giddiness was thick in the air, making both Yuki and Hanabusa shuffle in slight awkwardness do to their current surroundings of that of a church yard. "So, why are we at a church yard, my dear Yuki?" She slid off her brother, walking over to the brunette and patting the top of her head, Yuki looking at her with wide eyes at how different she looked. There was a familiarity about her that sent a fluttering through her chest. It had been quite a while since Yuki had seen Charlotte like this. So... lively.

Charlotte turned to look downward when she felt something brush up against her leg, and the smile on her face widened when she recognised who it was. She dropped down to her knees to wrap her arms around the black wolf, nuzzling her face into its fur right beneath its jaw, "Thank you." Her voice was gentle and the gratitude was clear in her voice and Yuki smiled warmly down at the girl whilst Hanabusa frowned in confusion as to why his sister would be thanking Kaname's familiar.

She pulled away with a frown herself, a familiar tingling spreading across her skin just as the wolf began to growl lowly in its throat. All three of the vampires, along with Kaname's familiar, simultaneously looked up to the trees to find a mass of black bats occupying the bare branches of the trees surrounding them, all of them hanging upsides down and emitting an ominous feel from them. She took a step back towards Yuki and the wolf took a menacing step forward, standing in front of the three, looking ready to pounce.

Yuki tilted her head to the side, completely oblivious to the now ominous atmosphere, "Those bats... they seem to be the same type as Oniisama's bats, but..." She trailed off, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked down at Kaname's familiar, Yuki distinctly recalling from one of the lessons Charlotte had given her about familiars, that Kaname could only have one type of a familiar at a time. One such as a wolf was easier to keep up, but inconvenient when they were needed elsewhere as well, so bats, or any small animal or insect, were ideal because many of them could be released at once and divided up into groups.

But Charlotte, unlike Yuki, was sure that Kaname could use both familiars at the same time, but she knew these weren't his bats. They all knew they weren't, they didn't feel the same. They couldn't be his, especially since the way his wolf familiar reacted when it noticed them as well. Charlotte's eyes widened when the bats moved suddenly, all of them suddenly letting go of the branches and began to fly, all of them taking nosedives towards the wolf, slicing through it until there was nothing left but black goop. "Oh, shit."

She glared vehemently at the figure the bats began to swarm and form into. Her eyes darkened at the pureblood's childlike features and dangerously playful attitude as he spoke, "Goooood niiiiiight!" in a sing-song voice, a smile on his face with hidden maliciousness, "You must be that sheltered little brat from the Kurans, and you must be that disgusting, impure and rarely created 'pureblood' that Kaname Kuran made."

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