Chapter 31

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Kaien glared the President as he supported some of Charlotte's weight, as she was still healing and regaining her strength, "Even more so, if my own people are corrupt and planning to brandish those reasons solely to use me for their own selfish desires!" He helped steady Charlotte when she pushed away from him and straightened out her shirt that had miraculously stayed tucked into her high-waisted trousers. She frowned at the blood that had gotten on her white shirt and wiped at the stickiness of her blood that was on her neck.

The President smirked cruelly, "Cross still has regrets for the position of President of the Association which he let slip between his fingers. It's understandable considering the immense authority that comes with such a title... for example, I have the right to order anyone disobeying my orders be executed." Kaien narrowed his eyes at the man and gave Charlotte a glance to make sure she was alright before returning his attention back to the President.

Yagari turned on his heel, running back towards the academy, shouting over his shoulder, "Hey, I'll go catch and stop the ones that went after the Night Class." Both Charlotte and Kaien turned to watch the man leave in a hurry, determination radiating off of him as he ran after the Hunters who had made their way to the academy.

"I'm counting on you," Kaien said, "I'll finish things here quickly. Right now, I will make it so this man will no longer be able to remain the Association President. Get out of my way, please." He pushed past the man who tried to block him. The man allowed him to get past as he had his eyes set on Charlotte, drawing his blade to smirk at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Cross," the President held the tip of his fan to Kaien's face, a hard look in his whisky coloured eyes, "so you do intend to try and take my place as President." He chuckled, shaking his head, "You as well, much like the Kiryu twins, are a being born already carrying a sin."

Charlotte laughed loudly, pushing past the man who tried to strike her with his anti-vampire blade and she stepped up beside Kaien, grabbing the President's arm and bringing it to her nose. She scrunched up her face before lifting the President's arm to Kaien's nose so he could smell as well, tightening her grip on the man's wrist when he tried to yank from her grasp. "I knew I smelt something strange, sensed it. Oh, sweetie, you don't know what's happened to you. No wonder the influence of the Rido was so strong over you. This is both hilarious and pitiful." She looked at the man with disgust, finally naming the sense she had felt when the President had arrived.

Kaien narrowed his eyes, "You disgusting man, you are worthy of the nickname that was given to you 'the vampire without fangs'. I wonder, why is it that there's a barely perceptible scent coming from your body? ... The scent of a vampire which you didn't have before." The Headmaster gave Charlotte a glance just as her eyes flickered to his sword made of the Mother metal that was only harmful to vampires. He nodded at her slight hint and he moved quickly, smacking her hand away from the man's wrist as he swung his blade down on his wrist, cutting it off, further proving both his and Charlotte's point. "And I wonder... why is it that an anti-vampire blade can cut through your flesh now...?" The President screamed out in both agony and surprise as his hand was sliced off.

Charlotte smirked at him, "The blood of a pureblood can strengthen one's body, or become like a poison. Rido, who gave you his blood, I can sense it running through your disgusting veins, is a quite strong and assertive pureblood." She laughed humorlessly, her eyes darkening and her voice teasing, "You thought you had absorbed his powers when, in fact, it was quite the opposite that occurred. You foolish, selfish man. See what happens when you take too much for your own gain?" She tilted her head, voicing Kaien's thoughts, "Just what did you give the Council in exchange for the pure blood they gave you?"

The President laughed, giving Charlotte a vehement glare, "A created pureblood like you can never understand the wonders a pureblood's pure blood does one for the body! Even that of a Vampire Hunter like myself. You're all fools! The whole lot of you! Have you any idea how much I struggled to have them allow you to go on living?! Wallow in the regrets of your foolish act while you can! For, now that you have lost me, you are lost as well!" Kaien went to strike him with his sword, about to deliver the final blow, but Charlotte stopped him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

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