*I remember when you were 'this' little!*

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My "Time Hop" app just reminded me of a very creepy experience I had while working in Las Vegas several years ago.

I had just started working at a vintage/designer boutique in a casino that wasn't very busy so it would be long hours of me by myself waiting for customers to come in.

One day, a strange man came in with his eyes widened with excitement as he approached me. "I remember when you were just a little girl!" I racked my brain trying to think of how in the world I could know this person, but nothing came to mind.

"Yeah! Me and your dad are good buddies!" He continued, as I tried not to act too creeped out. I asked what his name was he just said some random name and kept on. "I used to watch you when you were a young girl, don't you remember me?" And I finally dropped the nice act and simply said "No. I'm sorry, you must be confusing me with someone else". Mind you, my entire family lives on the East Coast and I was living in Vegas by myself at this point for a change of scenery.

His demeanor changed immediately. His smile turned into a snarl, and his eyes turned into a cold hard stare at me. He lifted his finger to point at me. "I know it's you, I can't believe you're pretending." He stood there silent for a while and stared at me like he was going to steal my soul.

There was no one else in the store besides him and I, the shopping area of that casino was pretty much deserted most of the time because it was a newer building that was hard to find.

I felt completely helpless. "I'm sorry?", is all I could say. Just then another customer entered the store. I loudly greeted her and the man saw that we weren't alone anymore and just walked out, turning around every few seconds to glare at me some more.

I thought the coast was clear but he had just walked to the other side of the mall, faced my store and stood there with his arm crossed watching me. I finally called Mall security and had them come to my store. As soon as he saw them approach he walked away. I was terrified the rest of the day, especially since I was parked in a dark parking garage. I had the Security guard walk me all the way to my car.

I never saw that man again. I called my dad that night to tell him what happened. He had absolutely no idea who he was and told me to have security walk me to and from my car from then on.

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