*Strange Blonde Girl*

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This might be really long so I apologize in advance. So I'm a 21 year old male college student. I go to a school that isn't huge but it's still fairly large. About 20,000 students or so.

Anyway, my freshman year two and a half years ago, I went to my orientation and being a kind of intimidating but socially awkward 6'3" male, I kind of sat in the back of the auditorium and kept to myself. About halfway through, this decently attractive blonde girl sits next to me and leans on the arm rest closest to me. She was pretty good looking so I just ignored it. Then she started staring. I asked her if she needed anything and all she said was "no." then started smiling at me. For the next half hour, she stared at me and I don't think she paid any attention to the presentation at all, just my face.

Once the presentation finally ended, we were split into groups to go register for fall semester, thankfully creepy staring girl was put into a different group because she had declared a different major than me on the other side of campus since each of the colleges at my school register in different buildings. I thought this was the last time I would see her and her creepy staring. I was wrong.

I finished registering for my classes and went to meet my mom so we could drive home. I walk out the front door and there creepy staring girl is, hiding in the bushes. She hops out and walks up to me. Doesn't say a word, just stands beside me. I decided that was enough and left.

Fast forward about 4 months and I have all but forgotten about this girl. I move into my dorm, walk out into the hallway, and there she is, standing at the end of my hallway, staring at me. I don't know how she knew what floor I would be on as there are 15 dorms on my campus. I grabbed my roommate and told him it was time for a freshman get together. She followed us all the way there. I tried to lose her in the crowd, but every time I thought she was gone, she appeared next to me again. Never saying a word. After that first night, I didn't see her again for a few weeks.

I moved to a different dorm and everything was going great. Hadn't seen creepy girl for awhile and class was awesome. So I'm sitting at lunch eating alone one day and all of a sudden she is sitting across from me. She says the first words to me since the day at orientation. They were "Why would you move dorms without telling me? I had to find you again." At this point, I decided that I was done eating and got up and left without saying a word. She followed me all the way to my dorm smiling the whole way but thankfully she couldn't get in because you have to swipe your id at the front desk before going in. The next day she followed me to class, then stood outside on the sidewalk until I got out, smiling the whole time. She did this everyday for weeks. She would follow me to dinner. Never saying anything, just smiling.

One weekend I went to Tennessee with my very good friend who is now my girlfriend. We didn't tell anyone and we came up with in on a whim on a Thursday night. When I got back, the girl came up to me while I was eating and said probably the creepiest thing ever. It still gives me chills to this day. "How could you drive to Nashville with that bitch, (my first and middle name)?! I thought you loved me! I'm going to have to do something drastic that I don't want to do." I had never told her first name let alone my middle name. And she had just threatened my friend so I was more pissed than scared and stood up to my full height and said "Bitch, listen, I don't know you, you've been following me for weeks, I don't know how you found out where I went, and who I went with but if you touch any of my friends, I'll make sure you rot in jail for the rest of your worthless life." She started crying and screaming about how she thought I loved her and all this crap and she made a big scene in the middle of the cafeteria. She ran off once the security guard came over and I told him what happened.

After this, she would randomly show up in the hallway to my dorm, or follow me to my classes, one time she even followed my current girlfriend, who absolutely flipped out on her. Then somehow she got my number and would text me at 3 in the morning every morning how she loved me and that she loved watching me sleep which was weird because I lived on the 16th floor of my dorm. This continued for about 5 or 6 more months.

The last time I heard about her, she had tried to commit suicide in one of the dorms by burning her wrists with a hair straightener screaming about how me and several other guys had ruined her life. I don't know what happened to her after that. She disappeared completely.

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