*Thank god I was sober*

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So I finally decided to write this. It was 4 years ago, I was 18 years old at the time, and a girl (I'm still a girl), and I'm not a great writer, just long-winded. I think this is all you need to know about me

Context: I was on my way home from work after a long Saturday at about 4 am. I had worked two jobs for a total of 19 hours, so I was tired as hell, almost falling asleep and probably looked like I was super-drunk.

I was sitting on the train, trying to ignore all the drunk people, when I noticed two men staring at me, and talking to each other while pointing. I had a gut-feeling that this wasn't right and started thinking about how I was all alone and probably looked like the most vulnerable person there. So I started thinking through my options, and remembered that my roommates had called earlier that evening to ask if I wanted to join in on a LotR marathon. It had not been more than 5 hours ago, so I was confident they were awake.

So when my stop came up, I went to the front of the train, so that I had full overview of everyone leaving. I took my sweet time lighting a cigarette, and watched everyone cross the rails, including the two men. They were still staring at me the entire time, but I was hoping I was just paranoid and they were gonna keep on going that way. I lived in the opposite direction and started walking towards my home, getting my phone ready for a call, just in case. After about 20 meters I looked back, and to my horror I saw the two men had changed their direction and started following me. I called my roommate and after two rings she picked up with a sleepy voice, and I asked if they could meet me. She was in a haze saying "Meet you? What?", and I STILL didn't want to say out loud that I was being followed (because, what if I offended anyone!). Suddenly she sounded more aware and asked if anyone was following me. I turned around, and they were 3 meters behind me. I yelled "Yes!" and started running. This is when I learned how awesome adrenaline is at saving your ass. I ran over a bridge, and started crossing a soccer field, when I saw my roommates running towards me. Suddenly I was in someone's arms crying, when one of the guys ran back towards the way I came.

We waited for him to come back, and he said he had seen them on the other side of the bridge, looking angry and shouting at each other. And when we came back to the house they explained that when I called my roommate she had been sleeping, but her boyfriend was awake and as soon as she had said "meet you", he understood what was going on and started to get dressed, and dragged their friend along. And it's not an ending if I didn't find out what was supposed to happen to me: About a year later I read this news story about the trial of two men who had kidnapped a girl and raped her for two days, before letting her go. This happened the weekend after my encounter, and in the apartment complex across the street from my stop.

Credits: Reddit, Throwaway84713

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