*The ID Collector*

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This happened about four years ago, when I first entered uni. So usually (at least in my uni) those moving into dorms move in a week before school starts to get settled and stuff. A couple weeks before I entered uni though, I met one of my soon-to-be classmates on facebook, so when it came time for move-in week I already knew someone. I made friends with her (Allie), her roommate (Jen).

So on maybe the second or third day of move-in week, we were just standing around in the dorm lobby, trying to think of something to do. I noticed a middle aged man at the front desk rifling through the drawers--I didn't really think anything of it because I assumed he was one of the front desk workers.

Anyways, Jen was going through her bag for something and accidentally dropped her student ID. I guess the front desk guy circled around to where we were standing because all of a sudden he had picked up her card. Instead of giving it to her though, he started to walk away. I said "Excuse me" to try and get his attention. And that's when he started running. He ran outside through the front door and bolted towards the right and up the stairs leading to the road. For some reason, I was quick to follow. I chased this guy up the stairs yelling "STOP!" but I realised that's a really stupid thing to shout cause why would he stop. So instead I started screaming "THIEF! SOMEBODY STOP HIM!" All while running like a crazy person around the campus with no shoes on because I lost my flip flops going up the stairs.

Lucky for me there were a group of guys who heard me and grabbed the dude who stole my Jen's student ID. So they reached into his pockets to pull it out and I'm not really sure how it all happened, but as they were about to go through his other pocket, the guy suddenly broke free and sprinted down the hill. When I ran up to them to get the ID they had not one card, but maybe about five or six. And these weren't student ID's, they were Identification cards that everyone in my country always carries around. It has your number on it (kind of like a social security number) so these were pretty important. And all the ID's belonged to girls. One of the guys said he felt a knife which I guess freaked him out giving the creep a chance to run off.

I thought it was super creepy that this guy just had a bunch of girls' ID's and stuff but what really freaked me out was what I remembered later that night. I was lying in bed and I suddenly remembered that the guy had been going through the front desk drawers. Those drawers contained the master key that opens every single room in the dorms. I couldn't sleep that night because my paranoid mind was convinced that this guy would somehow find my room and since I had no roommate, I was all alone. Thankfully though, there was no word of any weirdos coming into people's rooms and I never saw that weirdo again.

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