*Red Light District*

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This happened just a couple of months back and I gotta say that this incident takes the cake for being the weirdest encounter I have had to date. Some basic info: I'm 20, female. This took place near my office, which is located in a notorious red-light district. Office spaces are generally cheaper along this area, so I guess my boss will not be relocating to somewhere decent anytime soon.

My colleagues and I have encountered a fair share of creepy incidents off working hours, apparently most men here automatically think that you're a hooker as long as you're wearing a short skirt or anything that remotely accentuates your figure. Scratch that. Even if you were wearing a potato sack, you'd still fall prey to catcalling and ogling - or being followed.

I went down to grab an afternoon snack and upon leaving the store, a foreign Chinese woman, probably in her mid-fifties, tapped on my shoulder and asked if I could help her with the groceries.

Being the kind of person who can't say no, I agreed, until she said that I had to go up to her house to take the groceries as she had booked a taxi and it will be coming soon. That was the first red flag, because she could have asked the driver to help her with it and out of all the people who were around, she asked me?

I politely declined and apologized, telling her that I have to go back to work and that she could ask someone else. She then grabbed my hand, and said that I was being heartless for not helping a poor old woman out.

She was looking really fidgety and not to mention, she was holding onto my arm pretty tightly. I declined again, saying that I might get into trouble if I'm away from work for too long, and she actually started screaming at me???? At this point, I was shocked and terrified, and I looked around for help but everyone just stared and went about their business.

I should have just walked away but a part of me gave her the benefit of the doubt, that maybe I was just thinking too much and I should just help her. BUT ALL OF A SUDDEN, she changed her story??????? She then told me that she is in a hurry, as her son will be reaching soon and she really needs help unloading groceries onto her son's car.

I told her that she could just ask her son to help her out and at the same time, questioned about her taxi booking, but she just kept quiet. MY GOD, IF YOU WANTED TO LIE ABOUT SOMETHING, AT LEAST KEEP YOUR STORY CONSISTENT????

I immediately walked away as fast as I could, but thank god she didn't follow/stop me. Ran back up to the office and told my colleagues all about it and apparently there have been quite a few cases of human trafficking around the area, it being a red-light district with prostitution rings and such.

Just last week, I saw the same woman, but she wasn't alone this time, as she was with two really scary-looking, bulky men. If you were wondering, no she didn't see me, THANK LORD Scares me to think what would happen if I was gullible enough to help her, or worse, what if other girls fell for it...

Credits: Reddit, Placidd

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