*He killed our Dog*

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I was 16 year old (20 now.) I had to leave home because my parents are abusive, so my best friend Ashley let me live with her and her family until things were sorted out. We lived in the middle of nowhere. Our closest neighbors were a few miles away. You couldn't see their house from the main road. We were surrounded by trees.

It was the start of summer and we decided to go for a walk. We were gossiping about typical high school stuff when a rusty old white van came up to us and slowed to our pace. There were no windows in the back and the front windows were tinted. We continued walking, slightly creeped out by this strange van. After a couple minutes it sped back up and drove off. We stopped and decided we should head back because something didn't feel right.

The next night we were watching movies and eating popcorn with the lights out, when the dog started barking and growling at the front door. We just assumed her brothers came home from work or something. The barking continued for about 5 minutes, so i decided to go see if someone was there. I got to the door and through the door window i saw the outline of a man. He was just standing there. He didn't knock, wave, or even move. I yelled for Ashley and right when i did the man took off. The entire family searched the property but we couldn't find anyone. Two nights later me and Ashley were playing video games. Ashley left to get snacks and when she got back she froze instantly. She dropped the snacks and pointed to the window next to the couch. I turn around and there is the man again. It is dark out and we couldn't see him well or maybe he was wearing a ski mask.. He then knocked on the window..


He made a evil laugh, almost like the joker from the old batman cartoon. I immediately ran to the phone and called the police. Ashley grabbed a baseball bat and i grabbed a steak knife and we ran to her room and pushed her dresser against the door. As we waited for the Police we could hear the man try to get into the house. Until we heard him knock one last time, only this time it was on her bedroom wall from outside. Knock...knock...knock. The police showed up a few minutes later and could not find him.

Over the summer we would hear knocking at night and feel as if someone was watching us. This was just the beginning, it got worse. Every other week when we would get home from grocery shopping there would be a note taped to the front door. Every note was the same. It read, "I see everything." Then one day the dog got very sick. We made a vet appointment for the next morning, but sadly he didn't make it. The next day we were outside and found a dog bowl full of blue antifreeze. Someone gave the dog Antifreeze. That night we got a call and the caller ID said "unknown number." We let it go to the answering machine. At first it was heavy breathing, then a man saying "Is your dog okay?" Then he hung up. This asshole killed the dog, somehow found our phone number, and is harassing us. The cops have nothing to go on, no name, no face, nothing.

Until one night, it was 3 or 4am and we were all asleep. I slept in the same room as Ashley on a bed across the room from her. I woke up to a strange noise, it sounded like a grunting/heavy breathing. I look directly across to Ashley's bed and there was a man standing to the side of her bed. I remain completely still, hoping he doesn't realize i'm awake. I notice he's doing something but i can't quite make it out. Then my eyes adjust to the dark and i see it. He is masturbating. His dick is out and he is jacking off while watching my friend sleep. My mind racing i grab a pair of scissors from the desk next to my bed jump up and slam the light switch on. I don't remember exactly what i said but it was along the lines of "BACK THE FUCK UP OR I WILL CUT YOUR NASTY DICK OFF AND MAKE YOU EAT IT."

Ashley woke up, screaming. Her parents run in and the guy has no where to run. We are blocking the door. Her mom runs and calls 911, then her dad and the creep start to fight. Her dad gets him to the ground and pins him until the cops arrive. He was arrested and locked away. It turned out to be a man in his early 30's that lived in the area for years. When he was questioned he admitted to killing the dog and stalking me and Ashley for a couple months. His plan that night was to rape me and Ashley then murder the entire family.

So yeah.. I still have nightmares about this and i often am too scared to be alone in my house. I don't think i'll ever get over this.

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