Chapter 23 : Confrence

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Layah's POV

As we walked back into the pack house from the back door I headed straight for the refrigerator. Since I wanted to hopefully keep the subject of that little argument out of their minds.I grabbed the pitcher of lemonade out of the fridge and grabbed four cups out of the cabinet. I walked back over to the counter and started to pour lemonade in the glasses when Jace started to speak .

"So...? What was that about? You know what happened in the back yard?" He asked curiously as he motioned toward the backyard.

"Oh...that... Well that girl was unfortunately my sister."

"We know that but why were you guys fighting?"K.C asked

"Well she came up to me and I tired to keep calm but she pushed my limit and I at told her off" I said and slightly smirked to myself.

"I know this will sound crazy but it was actually funny to watch"Jaxon said " And the way she stomped off was so dramatic"he added

"This isn't over Layah" he said in a girl voice an flipped his imaginary long hair. He marched around like that for another minute then they all started laughing.

"For one that was wierd and two she deserved it" I said picking up the cups and handing them out to the guys and taking one for myself.

We laughed and talked about the day so far. Although I wanted to tell them about the talk me and Luke had earlier I decided not to. We sat talking and laughing until I heard Luke walk into the kitchen and started talking.

"Umm sorry if I'm interrupting " he said sounding a little nervous as his eyes flashed From me to each of the guys.

"Well I came here to tell you that we have a meeting at five o clock to discuss the problems and strategy that we're going to use for the pack"

"Ok thank you for letting us know" I said back trying not to hear my voice crack. Honestly he looked horrible and it looked like he's been crying since I talked to him earlier . He turned and walked back out I the kitchen. Since we had only and hour to get ready I told the guys to go take a shower and meet back in the conference room at five.

Me and the guys split up and went to our separate rooms to freshen up. Although I didn't smell at all I wanted to be extra sure .What can I say I'm a clean freak. I stripped of my clothes and wrapped a towel around me. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet for the shower. I stepped in and put the towel on the rack and waited until the water got hot while out stretching my hand every once and a while to check.

Once it got hot I closed the curtain and started my shower once again. Half of my shower I stood there and thought about how this conference/ meeting was gonna go and the other half I actually bathed my self. When my shower was done I got out dried off my body and my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. Although I looked the same I also looked worried .

"Stop worrying" I told myself "everything is gonna be fine"

I got out of the mirror and headed for my dresser yet again.

I picked out a regular pain of skinny jean Levi's ,a pink purple mixed tank top, and purple flats. I tried my hair and left it straight.

Walking out of my room at the right time I navigated myself to the conference room and already saw the guys and Luke there.

"Am I late?" I asked

Jace spoke up " Oh no we just got here earlier , your on time"

"Oh" I said sounding relieved.

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