14|Party with Peter

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The next day you walked out of your room and nobody was in the kitchen or living room

You went down to the larger party space and saw everyone preparing for the party


You said walking into the room

It was all your favorite colors

It was beautiful

"Morning kid"

Tony said waving as he was speaking to pepper


You said in awe of the room

"What time is the party tonight?"

You asked walking up to Tony

"Starts at 6 ends at around 6"

You were confused

"I'm confused"

You stated having already thought that but you are the way you are you awkward little baby

You shrugged

Tony turned to you

"6 pm to 6am"


You said looking around again

You spotted an unfamiliar face

"Whose that Tin can"

Tony turned to look where you were looking

"Oh that's Peter"

You smiled


You started towards him

"Hey what's up"

You said walking up to Peter

"Oh hi hey Um I've never seen you before"

He said with a confused smile

"Yeah I'm new around here"

You said looking around

"I'm Peter by the way"

He said reaching his hand out for you to shake


You said shaking his hand

He smiled awkwardly at you


You said looking at his face


You heard from behind you

"Oh hey buck"

You said waving your hand at him

"This is Peter, Peter this is my best friend"

You said looking at him

Bucky smiled


You said they shook hands

"Woah your arm is so cool man"

He said in awe

You laughed at Bucky's face

"Thanks kid"

You and Peter talked some more

Then you had to go help pepper and Nat with a few things before the party


The party was starting in an hour and you were upstairs with Nat and pepper getting ready you helped Nat with peppers dress and then peppers with Nat's dress

~Blue Bird~ (LokixFem!reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now