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Loki sat in the floor of his room after you left confused

"Where is she going in such a hurry?"

Said Tony looking back at Loki

He shrugged and stood up

He walked out of his room and looked around for you

He didn't see you upstairs so he went to all the floors searching for you

You weren't there

Loki ran upstairs to where the team was


He said out of breathe

They all bolted upright

"What are you talking about"

Asked Clint walking towards Loki

Loki flipped his hair out of his face and rolled his eyes

"I mean she's gone!"

He said in an angry tone

Clint ran his fingers through his hair

Bucky walked out of the elevator smiling at his phone

"Hey guys"

He said before looking up


He looked up and the smile faded off his face


He said looking to Sam

"She's gone"

Sam said walking to Clint

Bucky dropped his phone and went into the elevator with Loki

The doors opened and they both sprinted out of the lobby doors


Called Bucky through the crowd

Loki looked around and pushed through the crowd


Loki yelled to Bucky

Bucky pushed through


Bucky yelled back

Loki rolled his eyes


He said breaking through the crowd

Bucky did the same

"She can't have gone far right?"

Said Bucky panting

Loki looked up

Seeing a pink flash through the sky


He said sprinting down the clear part of the street

Bucky tailing behind

The pink flashes disappeared leaving them clueless

"Where is she going"

He whispered to himself

Bucky walked over to Loki

"We have to follow her"

He said nudging Loki in the side

Loki quickly teleported away and on top of a roof

He looked across the city and all he saw was an airport and a few office buildings

"This doesn't make any sense"

~Blue Bird~ (LokixFem!reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now