46|Well then..

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You both lay in silence

Comfortably in each others presence

You Kept thinking about that ring and you thought so hard about it that it appeared on your finger

You looked down at it and sighed frustrated


He said his eyes closed

"I don't want to do this"

You said straining to talk

He sat up and looked at you

"Do what?"

He asked curiously

You sat up and choked on your emotions

"This whole deal"

You said running your fingers through your hair

Talk to me..

You breathed out heavily

Looking over at him you burst into tears

"I want to be normal"

You said through choked tears

You leaned over and rested your head on his shoulder

He rested his hand on your head

And you curled into him

He held you like he never has

He felt something

It felt like sadness and rage

He didn't want you to feel this way but he wasn't very good at comforting people

He never let anyone in

He hates that he finally cared for someone other than his mother

I mean he cares for his brother but he will never show it

You couldn't take the pressure anymore

"I'm so tired of being chased and thrown away"

You said trying to breathe through your tears

He just held you because he didn't know what to say

"I'm so tired of trying so hard to get love from people who don't care as much as they say"

You paused

"I don't want to be married to someone I don't love so that the one I do love doesn't get taken away from me"

He held you tighter hearing you say that

It hurt him to hear you say that

He wanted you to be his


You got up swiped your tears and took the ring off

You quickly walked out of the room storming down the hallways to the living room where Thor, Steve, Nat, Bucky, and Tony sat

You turned the tv off with your magic making everyone stand up upset

You walked in front of Thor and threw the ring at him

"I'm tired of this we can do the fake marriage thing on Asgard but not here because this is not what I want"

Thor hid his face smiling slightly

"What I want is to marry someone that I want to spend every second of my day with and I'm sorry but it's totally not you dude"

Thor sighed and paused

~Blue Bird~ (LokixFem!reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now