31|Lost Love

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The light disappeared leaving an engraving in the ground

As soon as you made it to where the light had been he was gone

Just like that your heart sank in your chest

You felt like your heart was ripped away from you

You didn't know why it hurt so much

He would be back


Something didn't feel right

You just didn't know what

You fell to your knees staring at the spot

Clint and Natasha walked up behind you

"Come on let's go"

Nat said looking down at you

You shook your head

She looked at Clint and sighed

"We'll be back to check on you"

She said as she turned around and started to walk away

Clint stood there for a moment watching you

He was worried

But he didn't say anything

He turned and left with Nat leaving you alone

You stared at the ground for awhile

Waiting for a tear to fall or an emotion to show

Nothing happened

You didn't know why you were so worried about him

But something didn't feel right


You hoped he would answer you

But you heard nothing

You stayed outside by the engraving waiting and watching it

It grew colder as the evening came

Clint and Nat reappeared in the darkness

"Come on we have to go inside"

Clint said staring at your shivering body

You shook your head once more

Clint looked to Nat and they both nodded

He bent down picking you up and cradling you in his arms as you shivered

You looked down at the spot one more time whispering to yourself

"I'll wait for you.."

You said as Clint turned around and carries you to the tower

Nat following behind

He took you to your room and laid you down

Covering you up and turning your light off as he walked out

"He'll be back"

He said before closing the door

You watched his shadow under the door

Watching it grow smaller and smaller

You turned and looked at the ceiling

Getting out of the bed you went to your floor to ceiling window

Looking across the city you saw the lights slowly dim

You stared out the window and looked up at the sky

~Blue Bird~ (LokixFem!reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now