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Thor looking sadly at everyone

You cocked your head to the side confused

Your eyes widened in realization

Covering your mouth with your hand you felt like there was barbed wire around your throat trying not to cry

Looking at Thor you tried to pull yourself together

"Where is he?!"

You said all your emotions creeping into your voice all at once

Thor looked to you and then to the ground

You teleported to him and stood in front of him

"Where is he.."

You said the mist flowing to your hands as you stared at the god

"A prison cell on Asgard"

Anger and sadness overtook you at the same time

Lifting your fists you were beating him in the chest screaming at him


You said as Steve grabbed your waist and pulled you away from Thor

Steve held you as he carried you to Bucky

He put you on the ground and Bucky reached for your arms but before he could hold you you vanished in a flash of a mesmerizing pink

Bucky grasped the air where you stood

Thor fell to his knees

"How could I let this happen"

He said looking at his hands

Nat walked over to him as well as Steve

"It's not your fault"

Steve said looking at the god

Nat sat next to Thor

"She was talking out of anger"

She said smiling at Thor

He smiled sadly at Nat lifting his hammer and walking away

"Where is she?"

He said looking to Clint and Bucky

They looked at each other and back at Thor

"Give her a little while she'll be back"

Clint said nodding and turning to leave as did Bucky

They all went into the tower to wait for you
You reappeared in a forest

Falling to your knees immediately

You screamed..

And screamed..

All your pain going into one long agonizing scream

When you were done you looked around

There was silence

You were alone


You thought trying to reach him

Why did you go..?

You stood up and walked around for a little while

You didn't know where you were you just knew you were away

Away from everyone

You didn't know why you felt so strongly

But you did

~Blue Bird~ (LokixFem!reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now