26|Fight or Flight

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You opened your eyes and shot up

He sat up at your sudden movement

You started shaking violently and looking around frantically

You turned around and saw Loki

Suddenly there was a flash of his eyes bleeding and his face purple and red

You screamed and fell off the bed

He got up and came over to you

You were on all fours staring at the floor while tears dropped from your face to the floor

He knelt down and placed his hand under your chin lifting your head so your eyes could meet his

You sat up and he pulled you closer to him

He held you in silence

No words

There didn't need to be

You knew he was okay

He was there

You hated to admit it


You felt something

Something that settled in the moment your eyes met his

You didn't know what to call it

Neither did he

But it didn't matter

You just needed him

To feel his touch

To see his beautiful eyes

And his raven hair

You needed to be slow to him

A moment later the team was piled in his room

"What happened?!"

Said Tony standing in his iron man suit

Loki cut his eyes at Tony

Tony stepped forwards and looked at you

Your eyes were open

You were staring at the wall


Said Thor from behind Tony

Loki waved his hand in front of your face

You blinked a few times and looked around

You turned around and saw everyone standing behind you

You turned your head to look to Loki

Why is everyone staring at me?

He smiled

They care

You looked to the team and stood up

"Well this has been a great time um I'm okay so like I'm gonna go"

You said smiling awkwardly and walking out of the room at a fast pace

Leaving everyone in Loki's room you went to the lobby

Calm and collected on the outside but on the inside...

What was that?!

I'm such a drama queen

Well I mean queen yes of course

But all the dramatic stuff I've been doing since I got here is so cliche

But it's kind of everything😏

Not that I should keep doing it but it's so fun

I'm so awesome

Everyone here is so dry

I mean I'm the most entertaining Person here

Says the girl who barely knows how to work a cellphone

That's sad

I'm still cooler than all these pipsqueaks
You laughed to yourself and walked out the door

You walked with the flow of the people

Until you were at a lonely park

Is was quiet the only living things there was you and some ducks

You walked over and sat on a bench beside the pond that sat in the middle of the park

Now that you were alone you had time to think

You thought about that day

The day you were at that gala thing

How did Arlo get away so easily?

Your mind was rushing for a minute

Then it stopped

You got up and started towards the entrance

Leaving the park you turned right instead of left

Left is home right is your mission

You went with the flow of the people till you got to an alleyway and turned into it

You closed your eyes Then looked up

Launching yourself into the air

You flew across the city until you got to an airport

You made everything you needed appear in your hand and you cast an illusion over yourself so you didn't need to buy a ticket

You got on the plane and went to sleep to wait for your arrival.

~Blue Bird~ (LokixFem!reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now