49|To be or not to be?

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Don't you think this is a little fast?


You said waiting for an answer

I don't..

He hesitated as everyone else went on with their conversations

You grabbed his wrist and you both teleported to the med bay

"Why are we here?"

He asked quizzical

You walked him to the room you used to stay in all the time

"I know why you're worried about it"

You said walking into the room with him

He sighed

"I doubt it"

He said a small laugh following

You turned around and sighed

"You're scared that your capacity for love isn't as big as it needs to be therefore you are worried that nobody could love you the way you love others  since your own father didn't even want you or love you even though you loved him"

His face was in shock

"How did you..."

He said trying to figure out how you knew that

"I know you better than you think I do"

You said smiling

He nodded

"Well seeing as that's exactly it then I guess we can continue this whole thing"

He said taking your hand and appearing back upstairs

You shook your head


You said grabbing his wrist again and teleporting back to the med bay

"They are going to make me throw up doing that so much"

Peter said turning green

Everyone laughed at him

You reappeared in the room you were in

You crouched done and as the magic flowed to your hands

You placed your hands on the floor and your magic flowed into the floor and one of your memories faded into the walls showing the entire scene

Loki sat in a chair beside your hospital bed as you lay unconscious

"Do you remember what you said to me?"

You said looking to Loki

He smiled and nodded looking at the scene

He started to tear up

Which was surprising to you

You were usually the emotional crybaby

You looked at the scene with him


You said taking in a deep breathe and letting it go

"Are you ready for forever?"

You said looking up at him

He turned to you


You placed your forehead on his
You both appeared in the living room

"Okay I don't want big and fancy so let's plan this wedding"

~Blue Bird~ (LokixFem!reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now